Cut off

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"Ah, fuck." You groaned as you tried to push your body up only to feel a soft surface underneath you.

You dug your hands into the ground, feeling what felt like snow....

You opened your eyes to be wowed by a colourful dark sky, and the texture you felt underneath you was sand.

You turned to the side to see your mom laid down next to you.


"Momma?!" You turned over to shake the woman.

"Ugh." She groaned as she pushed herself up as well.

"(Y/n)," she said quickly as she gave you a hug, you finally being able to be in a happy situation with her.

"Is this what death is?" You questioned as your mother looked around.

"Neither of us have ever been here before. I didn't die and neither did you." Your mother responded as you looked down a long row of sand. Just sand and sand and sky and sky. If heaven was real, this was probably it.

"(Y/n)," a boy called your name as both you and your mother responded by turning to the voice.

"Eren." You said blankly as your mother looked at you.

"Is this your mother?" He questioned as both you and your mother nodded.

"I'm sorry I put you through all of this." He said to your mother as she seemed confused.

"You seem to know more than us. So explain. Why are we here and why have we had these visions?" Your mother asked as Eren looked towards you.

"There was a curse on our land by the founder, Ymir. My dad obtained the founding titan, and I ate him. I have the titan that started all of this." He said as you grit your teeth.

"You have to die. Don't you?" You questioned as the boys eyes began getting watery.

"I don't want to die. I don't want to leave Mikasa. We fought so hard and it was for nothing." He said as you got up from the ground, feeling both feet on the ground.

Your leg was there once again.

"Eren. Everyone in the world will die. Even if you win, and you're free, there's no hope in humanity if it's just you alive on a destroyed land." You told Eren as your mother got up from the ground to stand next to you.

"I didn't want this to happen." Eren allowed tears to drop from his eyes to his chin as he contained himself.

"Eren think about your loved ones. My daughter. My daughter doesn't deserve to die because of your selfishness." Your mother said sternly as she raised her hands.

"You can kill me. I don't care what you or your brother do with me or whatever my titan like power is. Just don't hurt my daughter. Please."  She pleaded as you put your arm in front of your mother.

"Eren don't even think about hurting my mother. I know you'd do anything to bring your mother back. Don't put me through the same thing again. I thought I lost her once. I can't lose her again." You told Eren as he looked quite frustrated.

"Anyways, can you tell us where we are?" You stammered as Eren looked around as well.

"I've been here. It's a space created by the founder. Only special titan holders can see this place." He said as you looked at him.

"My mother and I are special titan holders?" You questioned.

"Your situation is different. Since you were injected and weren't turned at all, you're a new type. Same with (y/n), somehow your titan power transferred to her." Eren stated before holding out his finger to prevent you from talking.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now