Trial and error

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"Hey Nanaba?" Hitch sweetly asked as you, Sasha and Annie were all hiding behind a wall, so you could listen in on the conversation but not be seen.

"The girls and I were wondering if we could do harder training. Actually fighting titans maybe? We're ready for the next step." Hitch said gently as Nanaba looked at her.

Hitch's cutesy voice wasn't something to joke about, it worked. Really well.

"Yes, That sounds swell. We'll be monitoring you, though." Nanaba smiled as you and Sasha seemed half happy.

She's allowing you guys to go yes, but the whole point was for you guys to do some research. Not kill them but hurt them enough to find out any type of information you could get before finishing them off.

But you'd make do.

"Thank you Nanaba!" Hitch cheered before turning around, heading towards your direction before you and Sasha ran away so Nanaba wouldn't follow and see you.

"She said yes!" You went into the boys cabin as Jean gave you a thumbs up.

"Okay guys lets not fuck this up. Nanaba put her trust in us and we're not going to let it go to waste." Mikasa added in as everyone nodded.


"Hey jean!" You yelled as you flung from tree to tree with your odm gear.

"6' o clock!" Armin yelled as he pointed towards the direction, you noticing a small chubby titan.

"Let's get its ass!" You screamed as Mikasa dove into the sky.

"I get to chop it's ass up first!" Sasha screamed as you giggled at the energetic girl.

"Go for the neck guys!" Nanaba reminded you from ontop of the wall, making sure everyone else was alright.

"Mikasa." You said in your average voice, not wanting to alert or have Nanaba overhear.

"Cut its chest open just like Sammy did with hers." You told her as she nodded.

"Sasha! Connie! The two of you focus on cutting its legs off so it flips onto its back!" Mikasa shouted at the two, knowing if she was going to cut open the titans chest, then she needed to actually be able to reach it.

Sasha and Connie did as told, making the titan fall backwards and onto its back.

"Slice it's neck just enough to not kill it." You told Jean as the both of you used your odm gear to hook onto the titan and fly around it, before retracting your strings and holding your swords out.

You gave the titan a deep cut, not enough to quite do the job, but the titan definitely couldn't move with both legs and neck cut.

"Mikasa, Eren, your turn." You said as the two of them nodded, using their swords to stab the titan and drag their swords to create a big cut.

"Open it!" You said as they did so, before instantly closing it.

"Guts. Nothings inside." Eren said as you went down towards them to check for yourself.

You pulled the titan opened, instantly turning away at the reeking smell. You forgot that you literally just cut a titan open. But he was right. Nothing other than blood liquid and skin was inside this titan. Also bones. Human bones. Just how many humans did this titan eat?

You almost gagged.

"Chop it's head off. See if anything's inside." You commanded as Hitch and Armin sliced through the titans neck, chopping it straight off.

Mikasa has told you that Armin was her childhood friend, and that he could be trusted, even if he wasn't from the boys' cabin. Mikasa told him and he was in on the plan alongside you.

"Nothing!" Armin said loudly as you wondered what he meant. There's no way.

You jumped from the titans chest to beside its head.

Besides the blood dropping from its head, there was nothing. The titans head was completely hollow.

"We're not getting anywhere!" You said, frustrated, as you stabbed your sword into the dead titans cheek.

"Fuck." You mumbled before turning to the rest of the group.

"We need to find more. We need to kill more." You said as Annie cocked her head.

"What makes you think this titan and any other titan would be different? They're all brainless." She said as you shook your head.

"My girlfriend turned into one. Who knows how many people can turn into them? We need to keep looking." You said sternly, not willing to give up as quickly as Annie was.

So you did. Every titan you'd find, you'd slice just enough to not kill them before looking inside their disgusting bodies.

"Here don't slice it open yet!" You said as you walked next to the titans face, watching it's eyes intensely as it stared at the wall.

"Hey fuckhead." You said as you kicked the titan's forehead, watching as the titans eyes moved from the wall towards you.

"They're able to hear us, that's for sure." You muttered under your breath before lining up your sword next to the titans left eye ball.

"What are you?" You asked as the titans jaw shifted a little before you could hear a grunt like sound from the titan.

"If you could speak that'd be easier." You said, knowing that wasn't going to happen.

"Guys the titan is able to understand. But I don't know what's going on inside of their stupid head. Why they're doing this is still unknown." You told the group as you gave Jean the thumbs up to slice the titans neck further, to kill it in case it regenerated and tried to kill anyone.

"And what do you think we could do with that information?" Sasha asked as you punched the now dead titan.

"I don't know!" You yelled as you used your odm gear to get off of the rotting titan and towards the wall.

"HEY! THATS ENOUGH FOR TODAY! GET BACK UP HERE!" Nanaba said as she probably spotted all of you on one titans body.

You just grunted before complying, going back up to Nanaba.

"7 titans total you guys killed. I'm impressed since this is your first time." She smiled before nodded.

"Good work today." She said as all of you nodded in thanks.

"Though a little tip for you guys," Nanaba pointed to your and jeans cabins.

"It should only take 2 people max to kill a titan. Not all of you. In a real situation, the titan would be aware of their openings and kill you one by one. The act of surprise is better. They're not expecting a quick one person to slice their neck." Nanaba suggested as you al nodded.

"Got it." You all put your fist on your chest.

You already knew that. But you couldn't tell Nanaba you were trying to see if the titan would respond to you, to make sure they were human. Nanaba would think you were insane though, there was no point.

Nanaba took you and everyone else back to training grounds as you were eager to get the heavy odm gear off of your body.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now