Proposal ~ best present

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You took mikasa down the docs as you stopped next to a boat on the water. Mikasa was confused, but you knew you had planned this with Jean for a while now.

It's funny, Mikasa made Jean part of her plan to surprise you, and you made Jean apart of your plan to surprise Mikasa. Jean must've been shit on twice as much.

The sun was quickly setting as you wanted to hurry up. You didn't want the sun to go down fully when you finally proposed.

Around the back of the boat were two high chairs next to a high table. A bottle of Mikasa's favourite wine was placed on the top, with two wine glasses next to it.

"My favourite wine?" Mikasa asked, seeing the wine and instantly walking over towards it.

"Of course." You smiled, sitting down on one of the high chairs next to Mikasa.

The sun was setting, but you knew you had enough time to have a drink with Mikasa before you proposed.

"I thought you said you forgot about today. Now what's all of this for?" Mikasa asked, clearly knowing you were up to something.

You poured the wine into her glass as she took it, raising it up and waiting for you to fill your cup as well.

You filled your own cup before placing the wine bottle down, raising your glass up and tapping it against Mikasa's glass before the both of you took a sip.

"So are you going to answer my question?" She asked as you smiled.

"Can an action answer the question?" You asked back, clearly making her wonder what you were doing.

"I suppose so." She said, trying to act proper while twirling the wine in its glass.

"Finish that up first." You smiled as Mikasa pressed the wine glass to her lips, tipping the cup and chugging the remaining wine.

Well, that was one way of finishing wine quickly.

You got off of your chair, going around to Mikasas side of the table and holding out your hand for her to grab.

Mikasa placed her empty wine glass on the table before grabbing onto your hand, getting off of the chair and standing next to you.

"What's all this?" Mikasa giggled as you held onto both of her hands, swaying them back in forth nervously.

"The sun is setting. Beautiful, right?" You asked as Mikasa looked into the distance from the front of the boat towards the sunset, before turning to look back at you.

"Yeah. The red and orange colour is so pretty." Mikasa added as you gripped onto Mikasas hands.

"About today.... I know a two year anniversary since such a tragic event is nothing to celebrate, but in my eyes, this is also a two year anniversary for us being able to move on with our lives, and face the new challenges in our lives, together." You said as Mikasa nodded.

"Im not worried about the past, (y/n)," Mikasa reassured you as you nodded.

"And that's why I love you. No matter what shitty things we've gone through, we've gotten through them together." You smiled as Mikasa nodded.

"That's why I've gotten you something special." You smiled, letting go of Mikasas hands and grabbing the ring from your uniforms back pocket.

You bent down with your new leg, feeling more than great full that you actually could kneel before looking up at Mikasa.

"Mikasa, will you marry me?" You asked as you held out the ring, already feeling yourself get emotional.

Mikasa stared blankly into your eyes before shifting her view to the ring.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now