Long awaited reunion

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"Ugh." You groaned as you got up from your bed, Mina still being sound asleep.

You opened the curtains of your room as the sun was still rising, the room being lit just enough for you to put on your clothes and get ready.

You woke up much earlier than everyone else. You didn't have to, but something made you want to.

The days were boring, watching the walls and making sure the king was safe is very non rewarding.

So you woke up in the morning, actually doing something that you found to enjoy, feeding the horses.

You saw them as pets, no different from cuddly dogs.

And it took your mind away from a lot of things. You weren't exactly happy, but you weren't exactly sad. You were neutral, all the time.

You hated being in the military police. It's been just less than 3 months and you already wanted nothing more then to go home. But at the same time, home wasn't home either. You had no place to go, you were sure your house was pilling and pilling with debt. You didn't get pay checks for being in the military. You didn't make money. You didn't make anything. But it was better than being straight broke at a home that doesn't even have running electricity.

"Morning Pine." You said as you opened the barn, some horses being there to greet you and others lying down, still wanting rest theirselves.

Of course though, your horse, Pine, was always awake to say hello. He was a morning bird and you appreciated him being there for you.

"Another bad night." You whispered to the horse as you pet his snout.

"How long is my life like this going to continue." You sighed with a small laugh, clearly sick of how you were living.

The only problem about being the only one awake this early was that you were left with yourself and your stupid little brain.

"Alright time to work out! Fuck you brain!" You smiled. Knowing you did not want your depressive state back.

Ever since Mikasa had called you, you felt those same emotions you had back at the 104th cadet core. The feeling that everyone was lying, like you were really all alone and everyone secretly had something against you.

So you've been working out. Simple sets of just sit ups, push ups and leg and arm stretches.

At first, it hurt your body a lot, but then you got used to it, and it actually made you feel quite happy afterwards.

Plus it gave you a head start against the others who were also in the military police. While they woke up tired and annoyed, you were up and ready to go.

You began doing push-ups, out of the barn and into the field, watching slowly as the sun rose fully and it was light out. It gets quite hot really fast at this time of year, and you knew that having to wear the military police uniform in that type of weather would make you and every other person pass out.

But you just had to hope that didn't happen.

You finished your sit-ups as well as you took calm deep breaths before starting to stretch your legs out in the front and side.

"Hey (y/n)!" You turned to your name, from the girl you'd last expect.

"Hitch shouldn't you be asleep?" You asked as the girl shook her head violently.

"Come!" She said as she reached her arms out, grabbing onto your hand and basically swinging you up from the ground.

"Why are you even up." You groaned as the girl pulled you back towards the building.

"Surprise." She winked as you had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. Your birthday was in three months, so there's no way it could relate to that. Just what the hell was she planning?

"Hitch can we do this later today? I was busy." You said as the girl continued to direct you towards the building.

"Lying on the floor with your legs out? Yeah. Soooo busy." She teased as you knew the girl wouldn't give up.

"Yknow I never thought I'd hate the sound of your voice." You said in a joking yet annoyed tone.

"Yeah yeah you love me and all." She waved her other hand in the air as she opened the door to the office. Did Nile have to tell you something?

"You go." Hitch said as she pointed towards the closed doors. The door to the waiting office. You've never been in there before. You didn't even know what the inside of the room looked like. You did know that that room was for cadets of the military police to speak to the outside world, because people that weren't soldiers or commanders weren't allowed in the base.

"You fucking with me?" You asked the girl as she had already begun walking away.

Now you were contemplating even going in. You had no idea what the hell was behind these doors. And you didn't want to go in.

You held your breath as you turned away, going back to your room.

It didn't matter how curious you were, nothing good ever happened when you took steps. You never went for things. You always stayed back and let things pass.

"What the hell are you doing?" Hitch complained as Annie was tugging at the girls shoulder, attempting to hurt her.

"You idiot. She doesn't want to see her." Annie replied as you felt quite bad overhearing their conversation, well it sounded interesting, but you didn't care enough to eavesdrop.

"Dumb fuck, they're still in love." Hitch added as Annie sighed.

You left wondering who exactly was in love in Hitches story. Maybe Hitch finally had a boyfriend. She was really pretty, after all. But that was her business.

You went back to your room before smiling at the still sleeping Mina.

"Hey." A whisper came through the door as you turned towards the boys voice.

"Hu- oh, hey Jacob!" You said to the boy who was looking at you with a soft smile.

Jacob was the only boy in the military police you actually talked to. He was shy, nice and super tall. Kind of a nerd, but not one of those weird chess video games anime obsessed nerds, just a really calm smart guy.

"You walked away from those closed doors. I saw you." He whispered as you smiled at the boy who was watching you.

"Don't make fun of me, cmon!" You said as he shook his head.

"I think you should reconsider. I know you were nervous, deciding wether or not to open the door, but I think you should go for it." He said as you just rolled your eyes.

"I don't think it's that important. I'd rather be safe then sorry." You reminded the boy as he shook his head.

"All you ever do is be safe. Your life is boring. Now cmon." He said as he reached his hand into your room towards you, you not accepting it, but standing up yourself.

"Well." Jacob said as he shoved his hands in his pockets in a joking tone, clearly aware that you didn't need his assistance.

You walked with him back to the visiting office.

"Now open the door." He said as you looked up at him.

"But what if I don't like what's behind it. I don't want to see my dad or some lawyer or some shit." You said as the boy giggled.

"Overthinker." He teased as he lightly pushed your shoulder towards the door, you no longer looking at Jacob but instead the door.

You twisted the door knob before swinging the door open with a gulp.

But you didn't expect what you saw at all. Of all people why were they here?

"Mikasa... Sasha." You said in shock as the two girls sat on chairs next to each other.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now