Whatre the scouts up to?

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~ the scouts had discovered something amazing today. Something that might change the future completely. Your hope, your home, everyone and everything.

"Eren!" Levi screamed as eren was breathing heavily.

"How the fuc-" Mikasa stared blankly at the boy who was on the floor, smoke coming out of his body as Mikasa couldn't help but stare at the large piece of meat that was once Eren.

Eren had a titan form. He had just found out today, and Levi had already started testing on him.

"(Y/n)," Mikasa whispered as Hanji looked at Mikasa, standing next to her to make sure she was safe, while also wanting to go closer to Eren.

Hanji was titan obsessed, Mikasa always found it strange that Hanji cared more about Eren's titan than actual Eren.

"What was that honey?" Hanji asked as Mikasa looked up at Hanji.

"Can I use the phone?" Mikasa asked quickly as Hanji looked at her confused.

"Never would've expected you would want to separate from Eren." Hanji said as Mikasa gave her a disgruntled look, definitely feeling annoyed that Hanji was so interested in other peoples businesses.

"I need to talk to someone important." Mikasa stated as Hanji shrugged.

"I guess so. But you'll have to go alone. I'm staying here to test on the leftover titan." Hanji reminded Mikasa as Mikasa didn't care. Mikasa didn't need Hanji. She needed to talk to you.

Mikasa ran up to the phone next to the front counter before detaching the phone from its holder and squishing it between her ear and shoulder.

Before she could twirl the phone to its correct numbers, she paused.

Not only did she never call you, but she also didn't even have your number.

It's been 2 months apart and nothing. The two of you were just memories to each other. You knew that one way or another, you had to get over her, because you never see her, never talk to her, nothing.

You missed her, but did she even give a shit about you?

"I can't call her." Mikasa sighed in grief as she placed the phone down, turning around before getting rudely interrupted.

"Whatcha doin?" Sasha smiled as Mikasa tensed up at the girl being all up in her business.

"Nothing." Mikasa said smoothly before passing by Sasha, walking to her room.

But of course, Sasha is Sasha. She followed Mikasa into her room like anyone would expect her to.

"Not again." Mikasa said as she saw Sasha at her door frame.

"Who exactly did you not want to call?" Sasha smirked as Mikasa used her hands to do a shoo motion.

"That's not it. Now leave." Mikasa responded as Sasha pouted.

"The only other girl you talk to is (y/n), were you referring to her?" Sasha brightened as Mikasa stared at the girl with wide eyes.

She stayed silent.

"I'm gonna take that silence as a yes, oh and if you'd like I can see what the military polices number is. Then you can call, talk to their commander and ask for her. Then you can finally reunite with the love of your life!" Sasha said proudly as Mikasa looked at the girl in both embarrassment and slight anger.

"She's not the love of my life. I just need to tell her something." She responded as Sasha shrugged, not wanting to say more to the point where she'll piss Mikasa off.

"So are you gonna call?" Sasha asked as Mikasa shrugged.

"Fine, then I will!" She said as Sasha stormed out of the room, Mikasa's heart racing at the fact that Sasha doesn't bluff about this type of shit.

Mikasa got off her bed and chased Sasha down the hall.

"Woah-" Eren looked at the two girls as he was nearly knocked down in the corridor by the reckless girls.

"Are you all right?" Mikasa stopped and held onto Erens shoulders in caution. She would never want to hurt Eren.

"I'm... fine?" Eren stuttered as he didn't understand why Sasha was running down the corridor and why Mikasa was running after her. He was especially confused about why Mikasa stopped running just to check if he was alright.

"Okay good!" Mikasa smiled before letting go of Erens shoulders and continuing running after Sasha.

"The hell?" Eren wondered as he's never seen Mikasa run as fast as she was just now besides the times where she would chase him.

"SASHA DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" Mikasa screamed down the hall as Sasha's eyes widened from the other room where the phone was. Sasha's never heard Mikasa scream. Especially over something as small as this.

But nonetheless Sasha grabbed a phone book Erwin stored in his office which carried every regiments numbers and more.

"Military police..." Sasha rambled impatiently as she shuffled through the pages of the book to find the "m" section.

"Ah got it!" She smiled before turning around to see the now furious Mikasa.

"Put the phone down now." Mikasa said as Sasha slowly moved her hand towards the numbers on the phone, instantly twirling the button towards the numbers, Mikasa realizing Sasha was actually going to call.

"Ay!" She said as she ran to Sasha, grabbing the phone out of her hand.

Sasha's face was instantly devious looking as Mikasa felt accomplished with the fact that she actually took the phone and prevented Sasha from calling the military police and getting in contact with you.

"Hello?" Mikasa turned her head in shock towards the phone in her hands before turning her head to Sasha who was still giving a devious look.

"Hello?" The person on the other line spoke again as Mikasa didn't know what to do but stay quiet.

Sasha motioned to continue, and talk into the phone, but, Mikasa just shook her head with wide eyes.

And that's when Sasha's dumbass spoke up for her.

"Hi, I'm a cadet in the scouts. Can I please speak to (y/n), (l/n)." Sasha smiled as Mikasa held onto the phone with a nervous face.

"(Y/n)? She never gets calls." The man commented as Mikasa and Sasha heard rumbling through the line.

Mikasa felt terrible when the man made that comment.

'No one called her.' She thought as she looked at Sasha.
'Was I the only person she really relied on?' Mikasa felt shame at the thoughts roaming in her head.
The guilt made her want to cry. She felt like she had left you all alone.

"Call (l/n), she's in the yard feeding the horses." The man spoke to someone else in the room, who replied with a "yessir."

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now