A new problem

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"What are you guys doing here?" You asked with a blank face as the two girls looked at you.

"(Y/n)," Sasha smiled as she stood up, running towards you to give you a warm hug, you letting her hug you, but you not hugging her back.

"Ah man it's been too long. I've missed you." She added as she didn't even care about not being hugged back.

"Shouldn't you be training with the scouts?" You asked as Sasha shook her head.

"No we snuck out! We'll be fine. One day isn't gonna kill us." She smiled before she turned to Mikasa, you turning to her as well.

She sat in silence, looking down at the ground, clearly not wanting to look you in the eyes.

"And why'd you bring her out here?" You asked, pointing to Mikasa as Sasha raised her finger.

"Yknow, I didn't bring her anywhere! In fact, it was the opposite! It was Mikasas idea to sneak out to see you." Sasha admitted as Mikasa looked up at you with a tomato face, you couldn't help but blush to as well.

But fuck, this wasn't the time to get your hopes up and let your feelings do this to you.

"I think that you guys should go back soon." You said as Sasha tilted her eyebrow.

"We just got here! No way!" Sasha whined as you turned to Mikasa, walking towards her and bending down so you could finally be face to face. Both of your faces were red, but you stayed strong anyways.

"What was the reason you came here?" You asked as Mikasa looked at you with a small frown.

"I don't like how we left things off with that phone call. I've been thinking about it all week." She admitted as you sighed.

"I ended the phone call because I want to move on with my life. I'm here now. And you're back with the scouts, with Eren." You said as Mikasa quickly stood up.

"Eren this eren that. Why does literally every single person correlate me with him? I'm my own fucking person!" Mikasa said rather ticked as you stepped back at her sudden aggression.

"So nothing right?" You giggled before looking at Sasha and then to Mikasa. "I kissed you and then left in hopes of holding onto something special, but nope! We separated and two fucking months later you called me about EREN!" You said, returning Mikasa's frustration as Sasha's eyes widened.

"You kissed?" Sasha butted in as both you and Mikasa turned heads to face her, instantly shutting her up.

"And what was stopping you from calling me in those two months!" Mikasa shot back, ignoring Sasha and completely going back into the fight.

"I wanted to fucking move on! I knew that you'd meet new people and be occupied. And I knew that I had my own life to live!" You responded as the girl grit her teeth.

"If you wanted to move on why would you be so pissed about me talking about Eren?" she asked in a loud tone still, you narrowing your eyes.

"Because I haven't moved on. That's the problem." You said before leaning your head back, knowing you didn't want to yell anymore. There was no point. You knew no matter how much you wanted to forget and just let things go, you just couldn't.

"Listen (y/n), I want things to be straight with us. I wasn't lying when I told you I had information while on the phone last week." She said as she sat back down in a seat, you crossing your arms before sighing and heading to sit down on a chair across the table.

Sasha just sat at one of the ends, trying to look away embarrassed with the fact that she felt like a third wheel.

"I told you about erens titan. I wasn't making up bullshit to play with your feelings. He actually has titan powers. Like he can make a cut in his hand and become a big titan." She said as you tried to roll your eyes at the fact that she was doing exactly what you didn't want her to, talking about Eren.

"That's exactly what Sammy did, remember? She used the knife to slice through her chest and then became a huge titan!" She reminded you as you looked up at the girl to make eye contact. She looked extremely serious.

"I remember." You said before she placed her hand on the table.

"The reason she was looking for Eren back then was because she knew about Eren, and the fact that he had a titan power like her." She said as you just shook your head in confusion

Not in confusion about how. But why. You had no leads besides she knew who Eren was and she wanted his titan power, or something along the lines of that. But there's really no context that could help get further than that.

"She said 'Marley', correct?" Mikasa asked as you nodded, remembering the locations name well. You didn't know what it meant or where it was, or even if it was just a code word, but you did remember it.

"I do." You responded as she placed her other hand on the table.

"And that dream, the one you had about Annie, bertholdt, and Reiner." Mikasa asked as she looked you dead in the eyes, your heart racing at the eye contact the two of you made.

"You told me all about it. And you mentioned that word again. Marley. According to your dream; Annie, bertholdt and Reiner all knew about Marley as well." She said as you tried not to just straight up get up and go for an hour long walk, just to come back and sit back down.

"You're telling me my dream I had so long ago was telling us Annie, Bertholdt and Reiner are related to Sammy somehow?" You asked as Mikasa nodded.

"That's a possibility. And in that dream, you also said that Annie had a titan power." She added as you looked at her knowing that that did happen.

"Yes." You responded as Mikasa took her hands off the table placing them by her side again.

"I say we test out that theory. I know it sounds crazy, but what if we bait out Annie and force her to either struggle for eternity or break her way free through using her power." Mikasa suggested as Sasha now got into the conversation.

"You're gonna torture the poor girl?" Sasha asked as Mikasa turned to her.

"More like a test. If she passes, we let her go. If she fails, well then we'll be fighting another titan." Mikasa answered as she then looked towards you.

"If we're wrong about this... then." You looked at the girl with nerves rushing to your body, wondering how Annie would never trust you again.

"We won't be wrong. I believe in your dreams. And I believe in you." Mikasa said as you saw Sasha smile from across the table, before putting her hand on her mouth and giggling.

"What!?" Both you and mikasa said synchronized as both of your faces were a blushing mess, only Sasha being the one who could tell.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now