Home again (not for long)

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"Wake up!"

You turned from side to side, feeling the uncomfortable hard floor against your body.

"Hey! Your body was shaking like crazy while you were asleep." You turned to see Mikasa, who had dark circles under her eyes. Did she not get sleep?

"Ugh." You groaned as you sat up, holding onto your back as you didn't realize how much the hard boats wooden floor would be.

"I talked to my mom," you said out loud as you rubbed your eye, Mikasa keeping her eyes wide while looking at you, despite looking like she'd pass out on the spot.

"You saw her through your visions again?" She asked as you nodded.

"She's locked up in a different facility, but that's not the problem." You told her with a raspy voice as she waited.

"My mom was injected with whatever chemical turned people into titans. But she didn't turn into one, because she received the injection in a vision of her own. That's why I have these visions as well. Since she got them, they passed onto me and we can somehow communicate with eachother." You said as Mikasa nodded.

"It's a long story, but that's not the most important part." You told her as you looked straight into mikasas eyes.

You grabbed onto her face lightly. She felt cold.

"You need to get sleep. Did you stay up all night?" You questioned as the girl looked towards the floor.

"I was worried about you." She said quietly as you let out a deep breath. She was so worried about you she stayed up all night to protect you. Sounds romantic, yeah, but was it a good idea? Look at her. She looks exhausted.

"I'll tell you in the morning. Get some sleep." You said, not telling Mikasa any more about your dream or what your mother said.

Mikasa tried to protest, but she was way too tired to even say full sentences.

"Night." You kissed her forehead as she fell back, resting her head on your shoulder, as you leant down, placing her head comfortably on top of you like a pillow. The sun was close to rising. You guessed it was 5 in the morning, but you didn't have a watch so you didn't actually know exactly.

You played with Mikasa's hair for a while while she slept, feeling through her short fluffy black hair.

She cut it shorter. But you didn't mind. No matter what Mikasa's hair looked like, you'd love her either way.

You should've told your mom about Mikasa. About how you fell in love with someone. Your mother would probably cry, knowing she wasn't there to watch you grow and actually start loving others.

Next time you had a vision, and somehow communicated with your mother in real time, you'd definitely tell her about Mikasa, and talk about your lives within the times you've been apart, instead of talking about missions and why you were put into this terrible situation in the first place.


"Hey, wake up." Mikasa tapped your forehead as you rubbed your eyes, realizing you fell asleep again. Mikasa could watch over you while you slept, yet you couldn't do the same for her. Was she disappointed?

"I'm up." You responded, as you got up, grabbing onto your crutch and standing up.

"We're heading back home. Levi's orders. Is that alright with you?" Mikasa asked as you nodded.

"My mom wants me to go home, and not try to get her, because they'll just capture us both," you said as Mikasa raised her eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" She questioned as your jaw lowered, remembering Mikasa was super tired when you told her, to the point where she probably totally forgot and is clueless as to what you were saying.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu