Stays In Vegas... Pt. 2 (Terraji)

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Nobody's POV
8:45 AM

Taraji woke up and immediately ran to the bathroom. Getting inside the bathroom she lifted the toilet seat and spilled up all of the dinner she had last night. She has been throwing up for the past three weeks and she didn't know what was the reason. After she was done she brushed her teeth and headed back into her bed. She grabbed her phone and called Grace.



"Yes, you don't know what I sound like?"

"I do, it's just that you sound like shit." They slightly chuckled.

"I feel like shit too. I need you to bring me some water and two pregnancy tests please."

"Oh my..." Grace trailed off. Of course, she knew about the sexual intercourse that Taraji and Terrence had.


"Okay, I'll be there in about thirty minutes."

"Alright use your keys." Taraji hung up the phone and got out of bed to get ready for the day.


"I'm scared Grace."

"Girl just take the test. Pee on the stick." Taraji took a deep breath before going into the bathroom.

"Are you going to pee on all four sticks?"

"Yes, and can you stop talking so I can concentrate?"

"Oh sorry." After she peed on the four sticks she washed her hands and came out of the bathroom.

"What did it say?"

"I have to wait five minutes for the results."

"Oh. If it comes out positive are you going to tell Terrence?"

"Um, I don't know."


"I know Grace. Don't try to school me."

"I'm not, I'm just saying. If you are pregnant that's his child too and he has a right to know."

"Yes, mom."

"Girl, please. If it's positive, how about I'll call him for you?"

"No I-I'll text him when I see the results."



"Girl you better call him. I think it's been five minutes now."

"Okay, I'm so scared right now."

"It's gonna be fine Raji. Just flip them over." Taraji flipped the tests over and smiled.

"I'm pregnant!"

"Oh my gosh, I'm going to be an auntie." Grace said and hugged Taraji.

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