Same Script, Different Cast (All Ships)

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A/N: This chapter is all of the ships combined except for Beynika. So instead of the ships being a couple, they're best friends (Toni's best friend is Kenny, Janet's best friend is Amaru, etc)

He told me that he loved me, I heard that, he told me I was beautiful, uh-huh, how did you know? How did you know?
Because I played the scene before...


Nobody's POV
Brooklyn, NY
Taraji's House

"We should ditch the guys on Saturday." Beyoncé said.

"And do what?" Toni asked.

"Go to the club?" Janet suggested.

"No, they're gonna want to come."

"Oh yeah." Janet said.

"How about we go on a quadruple date with our new men. You know, to get them to know each other."

"That would be nice."

"What time?"

"This Saturday night at eight." They all pulled out their phones and texted their boyfriends.

T-Roni 😍: Hey babe, I was wondering if you can join the girls and their boyfriends on a quadruple date on Saturday?

Dev ☺️: Sure, what time?

T-Roni 🥰: Around 8.

Dev ☺️: Okay, I'll pick you up.


Raji 🤪: Hi baby, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date Saturday?

Justin 😍: Sure. Is it just going to be us or are you inviting your parents?

Raji 🤪: Not my parents, just a few of my friends and their date.

Justin 😍: Okay that's fine.


(Imagine the rest of the messages 🥴)

"Now what are we doing to tell our boy best friends?" Taraji asked and they sighed.


"You guys are what?!" They asked at the same time.

"Relax, it's just for a few hours, and plus you guys see us every day." Beyoncé said.

"And?" Terrence said and Beyoncé rolled her eyes.

"You know, I don't really like your boyfriend." Kenny said to Toni.

(You wish it was you huh? LMFAOAOA)

"Oop-" The girls said.

"I don't know why you doing that for Square, I don't like yours either." Amaru said to Janet and her mouth dropped.

"Same." Shawn and Terrence said regarding Beyoncé and Taraji's boyfriends also.

"Why not?" They asked at the same time.

"Y'all boyfriends seem sketchy," Amaru said.

"Right, like they are hiding something."

"That's what the date on Saturday is for. So that we can find out more about each other's significant other." Janet said smartly.

"We'll see." The guys said.


Saturday came around fast and the girls were getting ready at Toni's house.

"What if they are right?" Beyoncé asked while brushing her hair.


"The guys. What if our boyfriends are sketchy?"

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