Denim Braxton-Lewis? (Toniface)

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Prompt: #LipstickAlley
Nobody's POV
October 14, 2000

"Kenny this can't happen again," Toni said putting on her shirt. They were watching Star Wars and it led to something different.

(Toni was playing with Kenny's Lightsaber LMFAOAOOA)

"Agreed," Kenny said buttoning his shirt. They lied. They did it again and again and again until it was Toni's wedding day. In fact, Toni was pregnant on her wedding day and she wasn't quite sure who her baby daddy was.

Wedding reception
April 21, 2001

Toni snuck out of her wedding reception to go and speak to Kenny. When she found him they walked to a rose garden and began to talk.

"Kenny I have something to tell you." Toni said and began to play with her fingers.

"What is it?"

"Umm, I'm pregnant."

"Congratulations to you and Keri."

"I don't think it's Keri's." Toni said and Kenny caught on.

"Oh, we were careful."

"A couple of times we weren't," Toni blushed remembering those times.

"Did you tell Keri yet?"

"No, I can't tell him. I-I don't think I'm keeping it."

"What do you mean you don't think?! That could be my child too!" Kenny yelled. She had to cover his mouth because he was yelling and she didn't want anyone to hear.

"Shhh! We don't know if the baby is yours yet." She said removing her hand so he could speak.

"How far are you? I could do the math right now."

"About 2 weeks."

"That's definitely my child," Kenny said not in any doubt that the child wasn't his.


December 2, 2001

Once Denim was born Toni could see a lot of Kenny's features on his face. She didn't know if Keri saw them but she sure hoped that he didn't. She didn't know what she would do if Keri decided to confront her.

"You guys have a name yet?" The nurse asked coming in with a birth certificate.

"Yes. Denim Braxton-Lewis." Keri said. Toni knew that Kenny was going to have a fit about what their son's last name was.


A few months after Denim was born Toni took him to the doctors' office so that a DNA test could be done on him.

"Jackie do you have the results?"

"Yes, do you want me to email them to you?"

"No just tell me over the phone."

"Okay, it says that Kenny is the father." Toni sighed and began to cry. She wasn't crying because she was upset at the results, she was crying because she was frustrated. Frustrated about the fact that she has a child by her producer and frustrated about how she was going to tell Keri.

"It's okay T, you're gonna be fine."

"How? I have to tell Keri and the whole world is going to end up knowing. I'm going to be labeled as a slut!"

"Didn't you say that 'I'm Toni Braxton bitch I don't care what anyone has to say about me?' Toni, you will be fine. Most of your fans wanted you to get pregnant by Kenny." Toni laughed.

(LMFAOAOOA I think I mixed up what she said but oh well)

"Oh please."

"Does Kenny know that Denim is his?"

"Yeah, he has been known since I told him."

"Oh okay, and I figure that he hasn't been a dead beat?"

"No, he comes over every time Keri leaves."

"Okay, yeah we don't like no dead beat niggas."

"Please Jackie, but I have to go because Kenny is on his way."

"Ohh, just don't make baby number two."

Toni laughed, "Bye Jackie, love you."

"Bye love you too." Toni hung up the phone and waited downstairs for Kenny.


Present time

"Toni you have to tell him or else he gonna find out from somewhere or someone else it ain't gonna be pretty," Traci said.

"Imma tell him soon."

"Does Kenny know that Denim is his?" Trina questioned.

"Yes, he has been known since I told him on keri and I's wedding day but I wasn't sure if the baby was his."

"That's why you were MIA for an hour?" Tamar asked.

"Yes. People were looking for me?"

"Keri was. We had to stop him from looking for you because we knew that you were with Kenny." Traci said.


"So who else knows that Denim is Kenny's?"

"Mommy, Kenny, Keri, you all, Janet and Jackie." Toni said.

"Oh, so when ya man coming over?"

"Tay he is not my man," Toni said.

"So when are you gonna tell Denim?"

"I don't know. I'm scared to tell him and what people will think when the press finds out." Toni admitted.

"I mean you weren't scared when you were laying it low and spreading it wide," Tamar said nonchalantly.

"Tamar!" Her sisters scolded.

"What I'm just telling the truth." They looked at Toni and she had tears running down her cheeks.

"Don't you think that I know that I'm guilty?" Toni questioned.

"Tamar apologize," Towanda said sternly.

"I'm sorry but you have to tell him sooner or later."


LMFAOAOOA this was kinda short but it's W.E and don't come for me cause it's all jokes and I wrote this like two years ago.

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