Perfect Duet (Jac)

335 16 1

Cause we were just kids when we fell in love...

Janet/ Square- 15
Lesane/ Amaru- 16

Brooklyn, New York
Public school 148

"Janet and Amaru sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage." Janet's friends sang. They were at lunch just talking about Janet and Amaru, like always.

"Ughhh! I keep on telling y'all that I don't like Amaru and he don't like me. We're just friends."

"That's what Diana Ross and Berry Gordy said but come to find out, she got a whole child by him."

"Toni please."

"So how come you can call him Lesane but we can't?"

"Cause I'm his best friend and he gave me permission to."

"Friends with benefits?"


"So where's your boyfriend now?" Gil asked.

"He's not my boyfriend and he's at basketball practice."

"Look at you, keeping up with your boyfriend."

"Don't make me talk about you and Kenny." Toni straight-faced Janet.

"Yeah, shut it!"

School Gym

"Yo, Pac we know you got a thing for Janet, my bad Square." Snoop laughed while shooting a three-pointer.

"You think you're so fucking funny huh? Hmmm, funny funny."

"Yo, why you call her Square?" Kenny asked.

"Cause I can, and no I don't got a thing for Square. We only see each other as friends." He explained dribbling the ball.

"Yeah right. Just know I'm rooting for y'all."

"How come she can call you Lesane but we can't?" Snoop asked from the other side of the court.

"Cause I gave her permission to. End of discussion."

Later on that day
Jackson's Residence

"Hi, mother."

"Hi baby, how was your day at school?"

"Good. Although, Toni and Gil kept teasing me about Amaru."

"Mm, we all know you like him."

"I don't." Janet blushed.

"Yes you do, look at you blushing. Guess what, he probably likes you too."

"Alright fine, I do like him but I'm just scared because what if he doesn't like me back."

"There's only one way to find out. Also, I don't have a problem with you having a boyfriend, just don't be like these fast-ass little girls out there. Having sex, getting pregnant, and not knowing who they baby daddy is."

"Mother!" Janet said in shock.

"It's the truth." Katherine shrugged.

"So when are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know. You know how you want someone to know something without you telling them?"

"Oh I get it, but what if he's waiting on you to tell him?"

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