The Quiet Kid pt. 2 (Jac)

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Janet/ The Quiet Kid -17 & 25
Amaru/ Pac -17 & 25
Snoop -17
Shante -17
Toni -16
Kenny -16
Ms. Hewitt -AP English Teacher
Mrs. Fox -Principal
Dujoure -6

Nobody's POV

Janet walked into her third-period class late and sat at the back. She honestly wasn't feeling today but at least it was Friday. She wore a black shirt, light wash jeans, and her white air force 1's. Janet then paired the outfit with sunglasses, a hat, and a pair of earrings.

"Ms. Jackson, you know the rules. Take off your hat and sunglasses." Janet rolled her eyes as all the attention was on her. She took off her hat and placed it on the desk.

"Sunglasses." Ms. Hewitt said sternly and Janet shook her head.

"Excuse me?"

"No, I'm not taking off my sunglasses."

"Take it off or go to the principal's office." Janet grabbed her things and headed to the principal's office.

"Janet, why are you in my office?"

"Because the stupid English teacher wouldn't let me keep my sunglasses on." She sat on the office couch while the principal looked at her.

"Why would you need to leave it on?" Janet took off her glasses and Mrs

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"Why would you need to leave it on?" Janet took off her glasses and Mrs. Fox saw that her left eye was black and blue.

"Oh my." She gasped covering her mouth. Mrs. Fox got up and sat on the couch next to Janet who put her glasses back on.

"W-who did that to you?"

"My father but it's nothing."

"Janet it is something if you have a big ass bruise on your face."

"I'm fine. Honestly."

"Does he hit your mom too?" Janet shrugged and looked away.

"I dunno."

"Janet, I have to call CPS."

"No don't! I shouldn't have told you that. Forget about it." Janet said getting up and leaving her office.

"Janet!" Mrs. Fox called out for Janet but she was long gone.


"Your father hit you, mommy?" Dujoure asked her mother.

"Yeah he did, sometimes."

"He's not supposed to do that. When I see him I'm going to use the moves that Uncle Mike and daddy taught me on him." She said rolling up her sleeves and Janet chuckled.

"Don't worry baby, he can't hit your mommy anymore." Amaru said being that Janet's father has been dead for a while.

"Oh okay good."


Janet, Amaru, Toni, Kenny, Snoop, and Shante all sat at the lunch table together. Shante was Snoop's girlfriend so she was new to the table but they liked her already.

"People are making rumors that you have pink eye." Amaru whispered to Janet so that their friend group wouldn't hear.

"I wish that was true." Janet mumbled and sighed.

"Tell me what happened best friend." Amaru said in a baby tone making Janet slightly chuckle. Out of their friend group, Janet and Amaru were the only ones who weren't dating. As of yet...

"My father hit me in the face."

"He what?!" He yelled out making everyone in the cafeteria look at him.

"Aye! Mind yours!" Snoop said and everyone went back to talking.

"Are you serious?" He whispered and Janet nodded as her eyes welled up with tears underneath the sunglasses.

"Does he hit your other siblings too?" She slowly nodded.

"And your mom?" She nodded again this time sobbing on Amaru's shoulder.

"Is she okay?" Shante asked.

"Yeah, we'll be back." They went to the schoolyard where it was very quiet.

"Let me see your face." Amaru said calmly and she removed her glasses revealing her black and blue eye.

"Damn." He said and ran his hand down his face. She put her glasses back on and wiped her tears.

"I'm walking you home today." Janet shook her head.

"No, don't."

"Why not? Imma give him a piece of my mind. He's not supposed to hit females, especially his wife and daughters."


"Daddy, did you go to mommy's house?"

"No, she didn't want me to hurt her dad."

Janet shook her head, "Don't listen to him D, I just didn't want my father to call the cops on your daddy."

"Oh, well I'm a little mad that daddy didn't beat him up because he's not supposed to hit a lady. Especially my mommy and Mama K because ain't nobody supposed to touch them." She said with a lot of sass.

"I know that's right." Amaru said and gave his daughter a high five making Janet chuckle.

"Anyway back to the story..."


A few weeks after the incident, Janet had to wear long-sleeve shirts and long pants to school even though it was summertime. Joseph found out that Janet had told the principal so he punished her. She had bruises on her arms and legs that were caused by her father. Janet didn't understand why her father was hurting his family like that and she just wanted to die.

Walking into the principal's office, she finally decided to tell the principal that her father was beating her again. Janet knew that she was going to be in more trouble once she went back home but she didn't care. She just wanted to stop being abused by someone that was supposed to love her like a daughter.

"Janet, I'm going to have to call CPS this time, for real because I don't like to see you hurt. A father should not be putting their hands on their loved ones, especially his wife and children." Mrs. Fox said sincerely causing Janet to sigh. She didn't want her father to be taken away because her siblings and mother might be mad at her but at the same time, she's saving them from possibly dying one day.


A few hours later the school day was over and Janet had to go home. When she got there she heard a lot of commotion. CPS and the police were at Janet's house taking her father away.

"I didn't do anything!" He yelled as the cops put him in handcuffs. Katherine was at the door sobbing and Janet ran to her but she protested.

"Move! This is all your fault."

"Mother I- he was hurting us. He was hurting you more. You think I didn't hear, but I did. I'm saving us from the monster that we call our father and you call your husband. If he really loves us, like he say he does, he wouldn't hurt us." Katherine embraced her daughter in a hug as they both sobbed. The police placed Joseph in the car and they drove away.


Umm my bday is Monday so should I update a beynika?

| Excuse any errors

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