[ protective brother Draco ] Fred Weasley

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continuation of last chapter, [ i recommend reading that so you understand whats happening but you will do fine without so it's your choice]

Fred wanted to talk to y/n. He didn't believe y/n would cheat on him with daphne. Daphne was her best-friend nothing more. Besides his siblings never really liked y/n so why should he believe them before talking to her first but he would do that later.

She looked incredibly upset during her choir performance and wanted to let Draco look after her as he knew Draco could cheer her up better than anyone else. Hie was killing time in the common room when the door burst open.

the entire Slytherin quidditch team burst through the door the beaters holding their bats. " WE WILL ASK YOU THIS ONE TIME, THOSE WHO TRASHED MY SISTERS DORM BETTER FESS UP NOW OR YOU WILL LEAVE THIS CASTLE IN A BODY BAG" Draco yelled and anyone could tell Draco was more pissed than ever and the rest of the team wasn't far off.

" what do you mean?" Fred asked and Draco scoffed. " oh so you don't know y/n's dorm was trashed, her clothes ripped to pieces, her bed on fire , how about the word slut carved into her door all because she was comforting a friend" he ranted and Fred felt his heart break, he knew it. she would never cheat.

" i suggest you fess up, what the professors do will be nothing compared to what i will do to those who hurt my girlfriend!" Fred sad calmly before walking out of the common room leaving the quidditch team to deal with the culprit but before he left he pulled Draco to one side. " when they fess up go to town but bring them to me before taking them to the head masters" he ordered and Draco nodded. " the password is mentally unstable- don't ask"

he nodded and bolted to the Slytherin common rooms , saying the password then running to his girlfriends dorm. the door was closed and he ran his finger over its new decoration. he had the urge to punch it. y/n had her own dorm as a reward for her prefect duties. he had a feeling she wouldn't want her own after this.

he knocked lightly on the specific pattern they made for when then they sneak into each others dorms at night. he heard a small sniffle before the sound of the new lock clicking open. he pushed the door open and felt his already broken heart break more. her draws were fixed but there wasn't much in them. his eyes drifted to the bed and saw it burnt to a crisp. his eyes landed on his girlfriend. sorting through her clothes trying to salvage what she can using multiple charms and spells and throwing away what she couldn't.

" here to carve bitch in my dresser or something?" she asked, he could tell she was on the verge of tears again. " darling i know you and daphne are just friends and trust me i made my feelings shown to my siblings. i didn't have anything to do with this i swear, please believe me" he pleaded. y/n could tell he meant it. Fred may be a good liar but she can still always tell when he's lying and he was telling the truth.

fred's pov;

she stayed still for a moment and my heart jumped to my throat god baby please don't be mad at me , please believe me, she then put the top she was trying to fix down and came over to me. i wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. I could tell she was trying not to cry again so i just held her and let her have a moment of relaxation. we were interrupted by multiple owls flying through her window dropping off packages. " thats my new stuff, mum & dad know what happened , don't worry they don't hate you more than before" she said going over and opening her new stuff. she got what looked like a bed for a doll house until y/n cast the engorgio charm on it and it was a new bed already made. she was sent new things to replace what she lost and a magic paint to cover her door.

after we finished replacing everything and throwing out all the destroyed stuff, y/n laid on her new bed to finally sleep for the first time in days and i sat with her. holding her while she slept. she finally looked peaceful. in that moment i knew,

i was never going to let anything bad happen to her for the rest of my life, and that i wanted my little prankster to be with me until the end

lol okay i dreamt this scenario [ don't ask ] this was actual really sweet and i loved to write. this may have inspired a new book idea so comment if you would like it!!!!

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