Fred Weasley pt 2

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A continuation of the last chapter; the book ' dead girl walking' is not out yet but will be out soon!!!!

I immediately wrote to George and fleur when Penelope told me we were waking her up tomorrow.

It was now mid-February and I was so excited to finally speak to Lexi and tell her how sorry I was and how I was never going to let anything hurt her ever again.

Bill, Fleur and George came super early in the morning. We wanted to sit with her and tell her that it was all going to the over soon.

I got a letter from Hermione and Ginny who were now back at Hogwarts to tell Lexi they love her.

Penelope came into the room at around 11 to check that her lungs were ready to work on their own.

She said they were and took the tubes out of her mouth. I could see her slightly move while she was unconscious and Penelope said that was normal. We all moved around her bad and I went to grab one hand and stand by her head while George sat in the chair beside her bed and held the other.

" it'll take a couple of minutes" Penelope said when she took the sleep spell off. " I'm going to get her food and something to drink because her throat will be sore from having the tubes down her throat and then I would recommend having bucket ready in case she throws up"

She then left the room and alexia started to stir. When she woke up she was dazed and confused.

Alexia's pov;

I come up in a white room and the first thing I saw was George grinning at me as well as bill and fleur at the four of the bed.

" Freddie?" I questioned and I felt a kiss on my temple. " hi baby." he said all smiles with tears in his eyes.

" what happened?" I questioned, Fred who had moved to where George was previously lowered his head.

I moved my hand to play with his hair and to make him look at me. " what do you remember?" bill questioned.

" uh molly asked me to help get a box from one of the rooms and when we got there were no boxes but then it goes blank" Fred tilted his hand to kiss my hand.

" what about when you woke up?" fleur said and I must if started to shake cause Fred stood and came and stood next to me and held my head.

" you don't have to" George reassured but I shook my head. " when I woke up there was smoke everywhere and it was hard to breathe but I managed to get the door open. The house was on fire and I managed to get to the floor below but then a piece of wood fell from the floor above which is how I think I burned my back and then I don't remember anything after that besides from the pain"

" you must have passed out because of the pain" George answered. " she looked me in there didn't she?"  I asked free referring to his mother, He nodded.

" I was supposed to die in there wasn't I?" I questioned and they all's good silent but I already knew the answer.

" How did I get out?" I questioned again hoping this would get an answer. " Bellatrix grabbed you as she destroyed it. Said she wouldn't let you die, she would let you survive and run to their side because there's no way you'd want to stay on ours" bill answered that question and I could tell they thought I was going to.

" I'm not switching sides so stop looking so sad.    We can be happy at the fact I'm sitting talking to you. Is that water or liquid my throat is killing me"

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