Draco malfoy

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Draco as your brother can be uh interesting

When there little

"Narcissa darling"

" yes Lucius"

" Draco is dressing y/n like his doll"

" and there kids"

" yeah your right they'll grow out if it"

10 years later

Slytherin Is having a party and Draco insisted in helping me choose my outfit, he's done it since we were kids so it's not that weird

" let me see the red one now" I come out of the bathroom in the red dress

" no no absolutely not wear the black one that dress makes you look like a muggle hooker"

" your a hooker q tip! "

" HEY! "

Then there's his relentless bullying of a kid who did nothing wrong

I'm just trying to eat when my brother turns around

" potter is it true you fainted, you actually-"

I cut him off

" no"

He turned to me

" no what"

" no if you make fun of him one more time I will kick your ass In front of everyone and we both know I would win"


" you done being a intolerant shit head"


" good, ignore him Harry he's a dick, god your annoying albino ferret"

" Hey rude"

" don't care marshmallow"

Fred Weasley taps Draco on the shoulder

" is your sister single"

Then there's his liking for frosting

At the manor

" albino come here "

" I told you not to call me that"

" and I don't care , mum and dad are gone so you wanna crack open a jar of icing"

" ooh yes please"

I opened the jar and gave it to him and he started eating it with no spoon

" Draco what the fuck why aren't you using a spoon"

" you use a spoon, boo your boring"

" I am not boring gimme the jar"

He smiled and handed me the jar

Then there's the fact he hates spiders

* high pitched scream*

I was reading in the library when mum comes running in

" y/n are you ok"

" yeah why wouldn't I be"

" so you weren't the one who just screamed so who was-"

She paused

" Draco" we said at the same time and went upstairs to find Draco standing in our room holding my new doc Martin's

" Draco are you ok why'd you scream"

" there was a scary spider but I killed it , sorry y/n I used your shoe"

" those were new you arse hat"

" sorry please don't kill me"

" I'll consider it , if you let me use the bathroom first this whole week"

" fine"

" yay , you can live and from now on leave my shoes alone"

Narcissa rolled her eyes

" my kids are special"

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now