Fred weasley

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Fred was downstairs at the shop while I was upstairs. Brewing potions, creating inventions and taking care of pregnant and new born Pygmypuffs.

I had just got the new borns and momma to sleep so it was time for fun. I started in the kitchen, then hit the living room, then George's room, the entry and finally mine and Fred's room.

A few hours later the entire apartment looked like Christmas had thrown up on it. It was 10 days till Christmas and it was time ti decorate the apartment as I did the shop a few weeks ago.

The twins tell me not to go over board every year and every year I don't listen. They banned me from doing the apartment but they were working so they didn't have a choice.

I made my famous sugar cookies because one bite of those and they do whatever I want them to. Angelina was here helping me decorate and she made her Christmas pudding while I made the cookies.

Later it was around 6 on meaning the twins would be up soon and the soup was simmering on the stove. Me and Angie were dancing to muggle Christmas songs when we heard the door open.

I heard them sigh and then the inevitable, " sweetheart what did you do?" Fred and George walked down the hall into the kitchen/ living room where me and Angie we get standing in match Christmas tracksuits.

I walked over to Fred and kissed his cheek, cause that makes him follow me with his eyes. I grabbed the plate and turned around innocently smile at them.

Fred's pov

I watched her walk across the kitchen to the bench. Then grab something and turn around. My eyes drifted to the plate. I hit George's shoulder and he saw what I did.

Y/n's sugar cookies. I love those damn things and so does George. She walked over still holding the plate then put it on the counter right informs of us.

Back to y/n

They stared at the plate. Biting there lips and fiddling with there fingers then boom. They grabbed the plate and stuffed there faces until there were no crumbs left.

Then Fred came over and kissed me, " the house looks incredible my love and you look adorable " he wrapped his arms around me. Ding ding, he's wrapped around my fingers.

" thanks love" I responded and I locked eyes with his. His eyes were big and his lips slightly parted or, puppy dog face. " can you make more sugar cookies after dinner" he pleaded and i nodded and I told them to go look in there rooms.

They came out 15 minutes later in matching reindeer onsies. " I love these so much" George celebrated collapsing on the couch.

I divided the soup into 7 bowls. One for me, one for Fred, George, angie and then one each for lunch for me and the twins.

" let's not bother with sitting at the table, let's eat here"  Fred spoke firm his spot on the couch when he saw me setting up place mats on the table.

I brang the bowls over then the utensils and then sat on Fred's lap Wich he was patting. " what movie are we watching?" Angie questioned from his spot next to his girlfriend.

" ooh there's this new movie called the grinch" I perked up in response to Angelina's question.

We all agreed and started the movie while eating our dinner. While watching it Fred leaned towards my ear. " I love you and all your Christmas obsessed ways princess"

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now