Draco malfoy

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Swearing involved
Y/n is sick of Draco treating her like crap

Draco had embarrassed you again. His freaking ego will be the death of you, in private best boyfriend ever in public egotistical arrogant son of a bitch. I heard a knock on my dorm, in the same pattern that automatically lets me know who it is.
I opened the door and he stood there looking very guilty. " Y/n I'm sorry" he started but I dragged him in the dorm and closed the door.  " You treated me like shit so this better be good"

" I'm sorry, I have to protect my reputation-"

" GOD DAMN IT MALFOY I COULD GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR REPUTATION!" I screamed throwing the picture of us at the wall. He ducked missing it when it was flying for his head.

" I'm sorry I need to protect my rep" I'm sick of this.
" and what I don't fit in your perfect rep, what is it, because I'm everything you said you want and how is that still not enough for you"

He sighed and lowered his head " I don't know, I'm sorry y/n but I don't I'm just scared , scared that I'll loose my rep"
I was done, he's not going to walk all over me and he is not using me as his puppet." I'm sorry malfoy." He immediately shot up.
" sorry for what y/n" I took of the bracelet he gave me and gave it back to him.

" I'm not being your dirty little secret anymore, you may have gained your precious reputation but don't forget the things you lost in the process, your friends, your credibility and now you've lost me"

"Y/n no your the best thing that's ever happened to me, what - what if I tell people about us"

" I'm sorry draco but too little too late, im sorry but I'm done"


" leave , I'll drop off your stuff tonight but please just leave"
I heard him start to cry, but I wasn't giving in. This relationship was awful and made me feel terrible about my self, like I wasn't enough, like I wasn't worthy of being loved, like I was nothing more then a dirty secret. I wasn't giving in I kept a straight face and waited till he left.

Later that day pansy came back and noticed I wasn't my normal self. " I took your advice, we're done for good"
She smiled and sat next go me, " look y/n I know you loved him but this is what was best for you, it was tearing you apart"
My lip curled trying not to cry. " I know" She hugged me supporting me as I started to let it out. " I just- I loved him and even though he treated me like shit I still loved him"

" I know but trust me you needed this" she continued to supported me, till I got back on my feet. Draco at every chance, in private of course tried to get me back but I wasn't having it. The convo usually went along the lines of, " y/n please I'm sorry"

" fuck off draco" then conversation over.

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now