Fred weasley

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Snippet of a new story

Fred was relaxing in the couch on December 23rd when he heard Harry yelling " the death eaters, bellatrix!" He ran out and saw bellatrix standing there with fire circling the burrow. Fred ran back into the house while everyone was running out.

" Fred! We have to go!" Bill called. " wheres lexi?" He questioned looking for his girlfriend.
" mum said she's outside" bill replied Fred hoped she was right and left the house.

He watched as his family home, his childhood go up in flames when he heard a scream. He recognised it as his girlfriend.

" you told me she was outside!" Fred yelled as he ran back towards the house. " mum told me she was" bill said worried. He had no reason not to believe his mum.

Sure she hated lexi but they didn't think she would lie. " Where is she!" Fred yelled to his mother.

" it was the only way to get you back" she whispered and Fred blew up. " WHERE IS SHE!" He yelled filed with rage.

Molly pointed to an area of the house that wasn't in fire yet but had smoke flooding out.
" SHE'LL DIE IN THERE" George yelled just as angrily.

" that was the point wasn't it. You couldn't get access to her farther so you use her." Ginny said shocked.

Fred bolted to the house but an explosion knocked him back. Bellatrix was back and was going through the house.

When she came out she was holding something. " atleast we wouldn't try and kill her, she'll come running to us" she yelled cackling from the air and Fred noticed that she had dropped what she was holding.

Alexis fell from the sky and he heard billy yell " ARRESTI MOMENTUM!" And she landed in the grass a few feet away from where Fred was standing.

He ran to her and cradled her in his lap. She was magically still alive but she couldn't speak. She was wheezing trying to get air and Fred noticed most of her back was badly burnt.

" get her to st mungos now!" Tonks yelled when she reached them and Fred and bills apperated there.

" Fred what happened!" They heard. It was Penelope Clearwater, percys ex who was now a healer at st mungos.

" there was a fire" Fred said through sobs and she yelled for assistance and they brang what Fred knew as a gurney out and placed her on it and they rushed her out and Fred followed still crying.

" Fred you have to stay here, trust me I'll do whatever it takes to keep her alive" Penelope assured before bolting after the group of healers that was taking away his girlfriend.

" Freddie, Penelope is a great healer they'll save her" George had apperated here from the house with Ginny and fleur.

Fred just turned to his brother and hugged him sobbing. He felt rage betrayal and fear. Rage and betrayal because his mother had locked his girlfriend in a burning house to die and fear because under no circumstances is he prepared to say goodbye to the love of his life.

George managed to move Fred from his spot near the door to the waiting room. " keep Molly away from here. I don't want her here and if I see her I will kill her" Fred ordered through tears to his siblings.

They nodded because they would feel the same in his shoes. Fred started pacing after 2 hours of non stop tears.

After another 3 hours They saw Penelope and he immediately went to her. " Fred you may want to sit down" she said calmly and Fred shook his head.

" what's wrong with her? What happened" Fred asked. " we were able to fix her back but she will have some scaring. The problem his her lungs. She took in a lot of smoke and it almost destroyed her lungs another minute or two and she wouldn't be alive."

" so she's going to be okay" Fred asked shakily.
" she's going to have to go on a ventilator to help her breathe until her lungs heal and she will have to be in a magic indused coma until they do" Penelope explained.

" how long will she be in the coma for?"  Bill quesioned. " 6-8 weeks. Maybe more maybe less but we have a spell on her room so that no one can get in the room who has the intent to harm her. You can see her now though" Fred nodded and followed Penelope.

She took him to alexia's room and let them in. She was in a hospital gown and in a bed but she had her eyes closed and tubes in her mouth. The tubes connected to what looked like an air pump.

Fred walked to her bed side and broke down in tears. " im so sorry lexi, you needed me and I wasn't there. I swear on my grave I will die before I let that woman anywhere near you. I won't let anything hurt you again I swear" Fred said through sobs crying into his girlfriends chest.

He stayed crying but moved to the chair he pulled up beside her bed. George, bill, Ginny and fleur stayed with Fred in the room. They but a extender charm on a little couch so they could all fit.

Ginny and fleur who usually fought sat by eachother calmly holding each others hand.
They stayed all night and when it became dawn bill decided he was going to go to the burrow to see what they still had and George was going to run to the flat. " do you need anything?" George questioned.

" uh yeah the packed duffle bag in my room, the black and pink one. And then letter writting materials." George nodded and he and bill left.
Ginny and fleur left with bill as well. They were replaced with Penelope who finished her shift but wanted to check on her friend.

Fred stayed beside her bed and did not leave her besides from 4 hours every 3 days so he could shower and get proper food before coming back.

On Christmas he didn't leave either. He wasn't going to let his girlfriend spend Christmas alone and he didn't want to see his mother. Arthur however did come that day to give free his parents and try and negotiate peace on his mother's behalf which fred kicked him out.

Angelina came to visit her with her friends from school on boxing day after they found out what happened.

The people who he was writing to was one verity to go and work with George at the shop because he wasn't till Alexia was home and safe.

Hermione who was with her parents came as soon as she could to see the person who she looked up to and loved like a sister.

" How could she do this to her?" Hermione Whailed when fred finished telling her why his girlfriend was unconscious.

The other person he wrote to, despite the risk was Narcissa and Draco. Narcissa raised her and he could tell Draco cared about her

He met them at the room door when he was going home for a little bit so they could spend time with her alone.

After six weeks of hell, Penelope finally told him that the next day she was going to be woken up.

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now