Hermione granger

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me and Hermione were pretty close. We shared a Dorm and were muggle studies partners. We had just finished a project and since we had finished first we were allowed to leave early and since it was quite warm we decided to go hangout by the black lake and maybe go swimming. We stopped by the kitchens first and grabbed some sandwiches so if we had a late dinner it didn't matter,

" pretty best friend" she giggled when i slipped on my one piece and she was laying on her bed cracking jokes. " your pretty too mione don't worry" i said to her through the mirror and she buried her head in her arms but i could hear her giggling. " alright lets go" i said cheerfully after i threw her her cover up and we walked out of the dorm with our arms linked.

we tanned for the first 45 minutes then went and dived in the lake. we were just goofing around and i had just come up from jumping in wen i felt Hermione jump onto my back which made me fall. " i didn't know i was that heavy" she laughed when we came up for air again. " your not i promise mione you just caught me by surprised and i slipped" i explained but she huffed and swam away pettily. " no you don't granger get back here!" i called and she just kept laughing while swimming away. i rolled my eyes considering my options and decided to swim after her.

once i caught up to her i grabbed her and picked her up bridal style. " no please don-!" she was cut off by her own screams as i threw her back n the water as revenge for swimming away. " you're mean!" she pouted but i could tell she was stifling her laughter and after a few seconds we lost it and burst out laughing.

we had gotten out after we couldn't swim any more because our legs were cramping for swimming for ours so now we were sitting on the dock eating sandwiches with our shorts on that were matching because thats what best-friend's do. " can i take pictures of you?" Hermione questioned after we finished our watermelon and were now eating the grapes. i nodded and she went and grabbed her polaroid camera. We do mini photoshoots so it wasn't out of the ordinary to do for us. at first i didn't pose i just continued doing what i was doing but then i started doing stupid poses and when we ran out of film she went to put the camera back in her bag.

soon i felt her arms fall onto my shoulders like a necklace and her head on my shoulder. " i wonder what its like to be loved by you" she whispered and i looked at her. " you're so pretty and kind and brilliant" she explained and i smiled.

" maybe we should find out" i said and she leaned forward so we could look at each other. " are you asking me on a date?" she questioned and i shrugged. " you initiated it" i smiled before jumoing back into the water and her jumping in after me.

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now