Draco malfoy

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I was in da practice when I heard the walls rattle and the chandelier shake. Then dobby appeared in the room muttering and Harry figured it out through mutters.

" has she found us dobby?" He urged.
" yes Harry Potter yes!" He cried and we all stared at what to do. " what are you waiting for, run!" He called and we all bolted.

The inquisitorial squad was all around the room but I managed to escape. I was catching my breathe against a wall when I felt cold rings grab my wrist and pulled me into a near by broom cupboard.

I had my back against the wall and a hand over my mouth. I looked up and saw draco standing there with a finger to his lips keeping me quite. He took of his hand and we stood there in silence. I was trying not to focus on the fact my boyfriend of eight months had me currently pushed against a wall with him leaning against me.

We heard kids bolting passed and I hoped my friends or atleast my little sister got away but based on the fact I heard the inquisitorial squad running around yelling that they had everyone.

" they don't know I'm in it?" I questioned my voice in a whisper. " I'm not taking chances on you getting hurt by that blood quill love, my job is to protect you and I won't fail" that gave me my answer he had me in the cupboard to stop the squad from knowing I was in it, and he kept my name and my sisters out of the list of members they Aquired from spying.

Luckily mostly everyone in the squad where my secret friends, so they were able to keep my name out of it as well as Natasha's but I couldn't keep my friends safe.

When they asked how I avoided being discovered, I simply responded with I had a escape path to my dorm and dumb luck and they belived me.

Later when the inquisitorial squad has members of the da in unbridge's office ( when she slaps him)

The golden and silver trio had been captured and again Draco kept my name out of it. Though Astoria greengrass nabbed me, turns out she had been watching me, creepy but anyways she brang me there and umbridge was leaving with Harry and hermione.

Draco, blaise, theo, Enzo, pansy and daphne all looked at me with confused looks, then they saw Astoria smirking.

They kept a grip on me but Ron winked at me and then I saw the sweets he had in his hand. Puking pastels. I was hanging to full on throw them out of his hand but that would of blown my cover so I tried to kept my cool but then they all started throwing up. They escaped and ron grabbed my hand to go and I was just about out the door to but I heard Draco throwing up.

" DRAY!" I called and I ripped my hand out from his grip and ran back in the room. They were all on there knees throwing up everywhere.

I knelt next to draco who was still throwing up every five seconds. " make it stop babe please-" he was cut off by another spell, luckily pansy and daphne weren't hit so they helped me get Theo Enzo blaise and Draco out of there but they were still throwing up so we conjured them buckets.

" you just exposed your self y/n" Pansy said holding up blaise and Enzo. " I don't care" I stated bluntly carrying my boyfriend.

" we need to take them to madam pomfrey" daphne said but I disagreed. " no these are the twins inventions and there not fully developed so there's only one cure but I have it in my dorm so we'll go there" The two girls nodded and we brang them to my dorm.

I was ravenclaw but luckily everyone was out including my dorm mates so we could get them to my dorm with out being seen.

I sat them all in the beds and rummaged through my drawers but eventually found the cure.

I gave each of them some and the puking stopped almost immediately. When they were fully cured I took dracos bucket away from him and cleaned his face.

" that was awful, oh no y/n you exposed your self" he said after I cleaned his face.

" As I said earlier I don't care you were all sick and that takes priority" I responded letting Draco lay down because turns out throwing up for 5 minutes straight tires you out. " aka malfoy took priority and we were secondary" Theo said laying next to draco.

" well he's my boyfriend and I love him so, yes he does take priority" I hadn't even realised what I said till Draco shot up and the room went dead silent.

" what?" I questioned, pansy signaled an L with her fingers while daphne made a bomb explosion, that's when I realised what I did.
" oops"

" don't, I love you too" he pulled me down then pancaked me wich had me yelling for Theo's help to get the 6.1 blind ferret off me

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now