Fred weasley

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Background: Fred and y/n used to date until Fred broke up with them because he thought they deserved better, but Fred told them he broke up with them to be with someone else and y/n went off the rails.

Tw. Mention of drug and alcohol use

Fred had broke up with me a couple of weeks ago and I don't really remember the past weeks. I've either been drunk, high or hungover usually the first 2 mixed together.

Parties became a nightly thing and if there weren't any on a party for myself. Hermione has been trying for weeks to get me back on track but I couldn't give a care in the world.

My grades were slipping mainly because I had been skipping classes and in turn got detention a lot, usually detention was with my ex and his brother because there trouble makers but I ignored them every time despite there efforts to talk to me.

My brother Adrian was all to happy that I was like this. It meant he had a permanent drinking and getting high buddy and he did all my homework and assignments for me.

Eventually after 2 1/2 half months when I was still off the rails he got worried. Tried to get me back on the rails but usually I ended the conversation with throwing a drink in his face and leaving his dorm.

I was now attending classes because I had gotten a warning that if I didn't pick up my grades and attendance they would have to expel me.

Fred and George made multiple attempts to talk to me, classes, meals, quidditch, in empty halls but i ignored them every time. Eventually I had picked myself up enough that I was only attending classes high as a kite rather then high and drunk.

One night I had taken multiple different alcohols and fair amount of drugs and had been wondering the halls when hermione and Harry who were coming back from the library
Found me

Hermione's pov

Me and Harry were walking back from the library when I saw y/n sitting against a wall clearly not in a good state

" Harry we need to help her"
He nodded and we walked over he levitated our stuff while i crouched down in front of her

She was about to pass out, bloodshot eyes and very disoriented she didn't even remember her name.

" Harry we have to get her back to gryfindor tower she can't even stand let alone walk back to her dorm"

" ok help her stand and then I'll carry her"

I helped her stand then Harry picked her up bridal style and we walked back to the tower.

Fred and George were the only ones in there besides from Ron.

" uh guys we need your help" I said and they looked up to were Harry had placed y/n back down and me and him helped her walk and placed her in the couch

" we're the hell did you find her"George asked

" against a wall near the library shes drunk and I don't know what else"

" drunk and high why would you do this y/n"
George responded he had helped her back on the couch after she had fell of

" me and George will stay with her till she's better then we will take her back to her dorm " Fred said and we nodded and left them to sit with her

Fred's pov:

We had stayed with her all night at it was nearing 6 am

" Fred you need to fix things with them at least tell them the truth"

" I will George, when they sober up"

" or better yet get back together your always complaining about how you wished you never broke up with them"

" of course I want that but I don't know wether they want that"

" they do" they had woken up finally

" ugh I'm never drinking or getting high again my freaking head is screaming at me"

" I'll get the kit from upstairs" George spoke and run up stairs

" your off the rails and I am helping you get back on track wether you like it or not y/n"

" I want to I can't do this if I miss one more class I'm expelled"

" what?"

" I've been skipping classes and not paying attention I've gotten warnings and if I do it again I'm expelled"

" well you're not getting expelled before i tell you the truth"

" that there isn't someone else and you just thought you weren't good enough"

" yeah how'd you know"

" I heard you and that Johnson girl, she asked you out and you refused and then told  her everything, I was in the broom cupboard behind you doing I don't know what"

" well first we're getting you back on track"

" and if I do what's my prize"

" you know what"

" ok, George please have pain meds in that"

" this kit has everything"

Fast forward a month

Y/n had gone back to their regular self, top of the class all smiles and laughs. Them and Fred had decided to give things another go with a clean slate, and it was smooth sailing.

Fred and them lived the rest of there lives by eachothers side

Requests please. I'm running out of ideas

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now