Harry potter

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I was trying to read over my essay proof reading it before I turned it in tomorrow. Key word trying it's hard when there's a party going on around you.

" come on y/nnn put the essay down and party with us you helped us win and your boyfriend wants you" Fred pleaded. I'm a chaser in the team and scored most goals.

" well I just finished and send said boyfriend over here will you" I sent for eyes back up at him and he smiled handing me a drink and brining over the black haired boy with glasses and messy hair.

He seemed happy though when we locked eyes his smile grew wider. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I leaned sort of backwards so we could speak face to face.

" finished" he quizzed nodding to the essay laying on the table.

" yep all done. So now I won't get yelled at though I feared if I didn't start having fun I'd get yelled at more"

" hey I think it's good you prioritise your study's beautiful. But you should celebrate your the reason we won. You scored the goals i just caught the snitch"

" fine, you can convince me. Speaking of study's Wher's your essay?" I got a questioning look on my face.

I did well at balancing study's and quidditch though the rest of my team did not especially the twins and Harry.

Harry was scratching his neck which his right hand while keeping the left one around me. " I have not done it yet" he admits I wacked him upside the head.

" I studied Harry now it's your turn"

" your serious"

"Yes my love do it!"

" and I get in return?"

" you do the essay no complaints, free control whenever for the next month"

" does that mean everything, position? Time?

" Yes now do the essay, but if you don't I get control and we both know there's no way your getting anything out of that"

I've never seen him start writing the fastest I've ever seen someone write a essay. I saw hermione looking very shocked and very confused,

I came over and stood with her.

" I'm sorry how did you get Harry to do the essay, usually he protests or pays me to do it"

" pay you- I'm not even going to do this. A deal"

" go on maybe I can use it on the twins" Angie had came an joined us.

" I promised him control in the bedroom and if he didn't I succeed I would get it" I said casually and they both whipped their eheads around

" it worked look!" They turned there heads to see Harry working hard

All teenage boys are the same

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now