Draco malfoy

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Draco was sat bored out of his mind in 4th year potions as snape explained the potion they would have to work on with an arranged partner.

" alright listen up. These are your partners I won't change them so don't ask . Weasley and finigan, Thomas and potter, Parkinson and granger, Zabini and crabbe, goyle and longbottom, Malfoy and l/n-"

Malfoy tuned out and looked for the Gryffindor now talking to her friend, while glancing back at the blonde. After snape finished reading he ordered everyone to move next to there partners. Draco looked eyes and in a silent agreement she gathered her books and moved over to the now empty seat. " finally get to meet the infamous Draco malfoy"

" and I get to meet the legendary y/n" he replied back with as much sarcasm as she used. Though as the project went on for the rest of the lesson, they started to lighten up, even cracking jokes that didn't make sense to anyone else besides from them.
Snape soon came around and inspected there potion. " the only one's who did it to a standard where it doesn't fail. Top marks, seems like you two will be paired more often, you two can go after you clean up"

The two did clean up them left nodding goodbyes, snape in fact kept close to his word. Pairing the two at every chance, the 2 found themselves looking forward to when they were partnered. However draco seems to act very different with her in public then when there together in potions.

"Y/n can we talk, potter weaselbee scram" the two left with a look of disgust. " what do you want ferret"

" shut your mouth y/n I have a important question" he ordered ( kind of offensively)

" not the nicest but go on"

" the Yule ball is coming up and I wanted to know if you would accompany me?"

" Draco, in potions where 2 peas in a pod but when where not you treat me like the Black Plague"

" I'm sorry monkey. I'm over it, you make me more happy then I care to admit. your my first choice and I wanted to ask you before anyone els could so will you come"

" your my ferret, I'll go with you but you start acting like we do in potions with me you understand"

" of course bear. Just say you'll come with me"

" of course I will dumbass, your going to need a rose gold tie"

" where am I supposed to find a rose gold tie?" He questioned with a very confused look on his face.

" figure it out ferret" she then kissed the boy on the cheek and left to get the rest of her outfit sorted and when she turned to see him she spotted him smiling and a light blush covering his face standing out against the paste white face.

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now