Fred weasley

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I'm having writers block but want to put something out but this is some things about Fred in my dr


- a huge drama queen

- whenever he pranks someone at the burrow ( me or Ginny mainly ) he gets scared when we get mad and locks himself in the bathroom

- he's impulsive, he comes up with the ideas and George does the logic

- his sleep schedule is fucked up he'll go to bed at 4 am and wake up at like 2pm

- he still goes to be at 4am then complains when we wake him up,

-  he's daiting my best friend ( angie ) and I'm dating George and it's brilliant, double dates all the time

- absolutely terrified of the giant squid

- George is organised and Fred is definitely not
It's so funny when Fred makes a mess on George's side, I've broken up many fights because of this

- he's a picky eater

- mumma's boy

- when I was by the pond i slipped and cut my foot on a rock and Fred carried me back to the burrow🥺

- loves cupcake's

- a very chaotic and funny drunk

- does a bunch of stupid shit especially while drunk

- whines and complains when sick or when he feels like it

- he's quite intelligent he just doesn't like studying

- wants tattoos, he wants me him and George to get matching ones

- Favourite class is charms and astronomy

- George is better at quidditch but he will deny it till the day he dies

- he doesn't do care of magical creatures because he's scared of most of them 😂

- he comes up with the most of extravagant pranks ( he once filled the pipes of mine and angies dorm with pumpkin juice)

- my favourite memory with him is when me, George Fred and Angie glitter and paint bombed snapes office as a double date

- favourite personal memory with him is when we had a dance party just us two in my dorm when George was in detention and Angie was busy

- he usually gets the detention's because George dips quite often and escapes quite well.

- i once dyed his and George's hair blue after they did a prank that is unspeakable! Anyway he screamed like a child 😂

- when sick he's a full on baby, unlike George who tries to deny it, the minute he recognise's he's sick he is very dramatic.

- he despises blood, he hates it! Whenever he gets hurt he cry's and gets George to clean it,
Though he still carried me back to the burrow because I couldn't walk and everyone else was inside.

- he has an emotion octopus ( that I made for him cause there not around yet ) because he's not good with communicating emotions but he can still read others like a book

-  he hates swimming and is not good with deep water

- he lives for pillow fights, I'll be studying and he'll throw a damn pillow at me, and I don't walk away from a fight

- very competitive with board games, always flips the board when he starts loosing.

- very good at folding clothes but still makes me pack his bags for holidays and trips

- he learnt hairstyles on me and Ginny and does them on all the girls in gryfindor.

- he has tells when he's nervous, wide eyes, looks down and fiddles with his sleeves.

- loves rings and necklaces wich I steal and as a gift for our 5 year friend anniversary he put the ring I steal the most on a chain

- we know all our secrets and one of his largest is that he looks up to bill and Charlie more then he will ever let them know

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now