Charlie weasley

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Y/n was never that welcome in the Weasley house hold and when she found out why she never returned. She and a broken Weasley twin connected after both loosing a beloved sibling in the war. They helped eachother cope and she thought that they had both fallen in love.

That was until one of the many fights she had with molly revealed the truth. They had just told the family something and molly blew up and revealed all.

She found out that night that she was meant to be hated. She was nothing but an excuse for George to distance himself from his family and he already had another girlfriend wich molly approved on.

She left that very day and never returned and she found herself on the doorstep of the only Weasley she still trusted. She knocked and was glad when he opened the door.

" hey Charlie.." she greeted and Charlie knew what happened as he had just received a letter from fleur.

She stayed there for weeks hiding out and Charlie got her a job working with the dragons as she had previously been a dragon conservationist back in England.

She eventually officially moved in with Charlie and after a year and a bottle of wine they both confessed there feelings and started dating a week after when Charlie officially asked her with the help of a baby dragon.

Six months later they were still going strong. Charlie who hadn't been home in two years was  getting letters demanding that he come home. He didn't want to go home and leave y/n and he was never taking her back to that house.

While y/n was out with a friend Charlie had to run to the market and when he returned his father sister older brother and a twin as well.

C- what the hell are you all doing in my house
Gi- we want you to come home
C- I won't do that
A- why not son
B- I think I know why

Bill had spotted the many photos of y/n and Charlie on the tv cabinets and a medium one on the kitchen counter.

" she's been here this whole time?" Ginny asked. George had now noticed the photos, he looked at them shocked. She had been missing for a year and a half and this whole time she was living in Romania with his brother. He didn't blame her though his family put her through hell and as much as he hated to admit it she was happier then she had ever Beene hen he was with her.

C- yes she has that's why you can't be here when she gets back
B- why the hell not we miss her
Gi- she doesn't want to see us does she
A- that's why you haven't come home, you didn't want to leave her and she'd never come back
C- correct,  now she'll be here any second.

Then Charlie's phone rang and he ran to the counter to get it and he put it on speaker.

C- hey sweetheart
Y- hi babe
C- where are you?
Y- I'm only a few minutes away because I decided to walk
C- that's alright love.
Y- I love you
C- I love you too angel
Y- I'll see you in a few minutes
C- alright

He then heard the dial tone meaning she hung up and he put the phone back down.

Gi- we're not leaving we want to see her
A- son if we get her to forgive us you both can come back I know your mother wants to see you
C- absolutely not. There is no way I'm letting y/n anywhere near her

He was about to rant when he heard the door open. " Charlie?" She was home, Charlie started panicking there was no way to get her through to a enclosed space without letting them see her.

Charlie went to her and kissed her as welcome. " I missed you to, you look worried what's wrong?"

" uh, my family's response to not responding Is show up in our living room univited"

Charlie noticed y/n colours drop and her hands starting to shake. " I- is she here?" Charlie knew she was referring to his mother.

The Weasleys could hear the change in her voice and felt really bad. None more then George.

" no but George is, so is dad, Ginny and bill" y/n pushed passed her boyfriend to get to the living room. It was true they were all there.

" gin" she was so happy to see the youngest Weasley she didn't care about her ex boyfriend. Ginny knowing she wanted to see her got up and hugged her.  " you don't write, call you just disappeared" she said as y/n stopped hugging her and went to bill.

Bill and fleur were here sanctuary at the hell hole they called the burrow. " did you tell them?" She questioned and they were all confused. " not yet, I don't even know why there here"

" we just wanted to check on you and tell us what?" George asked. " mother's nightmare is coming true, y/n show them" y/n took her left hand out of her pocket and the sun immediately caught it.

" is that a promise ring?" Ginny asked happily.
" yeah, I've had it for three weeks now" she admitted.

" they want us to come back" Charlie admitted. Just for a short time.

" you know what, let's do it"

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now