Harry ( harold ) potter

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A/n; in this you are lunas older sister named Celeste same year as Harry ( fiercely protective of Luna )

I was sitting with Luna in a carriage waiting to go when the golden trio and Neville joined , " your not going mad" I said when I saw Harry's face that's when Luna cut in " we can see them to , your just as sane as we are"

" everyone this is lonny-, Luna lovegood and her sister Celeste"

I was livid, I absolutely hated when people called Luna lonny so I retaliated, " and you must be mudblo-hermione granger" I said looking up from my book to smile at her before I put my head down and continued reading , Luna grabbed my hand as to say thank you so I just squeezed it to say your welcome,

The carriage ride back to the castle was silent , a boy I recognised as Ron was glaring at me the whole time but I just pretended not to notice ,

" your on the ravenclaw quidditch team aren't you," Harry asked me , he has never spoken to me before , now I was starting a conversation with the boy I noticed he was attractive like really attractive, but I just smiled and continued the convo , " yeah I'm one of the chasers , Angelina is your captain now right," " yeah how'd you know" he asked tilting his head, " I've exchanged a letter or 2 with the twins and quite a few with Ginny," I responded closing my book, Me and Harry became friends after the carriage ride wich we talked on for the rest of the time,

He had found me and Luna in the forest feeding the thestrals, Luna was about to leave when Harry came ,

" I'm going to go to common room to finish potions I'll see you later sis," she said getting up ,

" alright I'll come help you later when I'm done , remember if u get cold my wardrobes always open until we get your stuff back" I said giving her a quick hug , " thanks Cel " she Said walking away

H- I don't know about you and Luna but usually siblings hate sharing clothes
C- the idiots in this school stole some of luna's stuff including her clothes and shoes ,
H- that's terrible
C- I wish I could say that's the worse thing the kids here have done to her ,
H- your her protector , I'm sure she's thankful
C- kids can be cruel Harry , I wouldn't be fulfilling the big sister roll if I didn't protect her
H-what are they
C- there called thestrals , most people stay away from them because there a bit-
H- different, he said smiling at me , why can't the others see them
C- they can only be seen by people who have seen death
H- you've known someone who's died
C- my mum, she was experimenting with magic and one of the spells went badly wrong, I walked away with a scar on my collarbone but my mum wasn't so lucky, Luna was watching is why she can see them to
H- I'm sorry Celeste
C- it's ok , it was 5?years ago so It's not so painful anymore
C- I'm surprised you don't hate me for what I said to granger in the carriages
H- it's alright I know you did it to show her how Luna felt, I admire you for protecting her so fiercely
C- the chosen one admires me , interesting I said nudging his shoulder

He just laughed I grabbed his hand and let him pat one of the thestral foals who had come up to us , I had also given Harry an apple to Feed to the creature,

I had turned my head to Harry's being centimetres away from mine
I was about to turn my head away when Harry had turned grabbed my chin and kissed me softly,

" come to hogsmeade with me" Harry had asked after we pulled away ,
" I can't tonight I have to help Luna but come by the ravenclaw common room tomorrow at 1 and we'll go"
" I'll be there"
" and I will be waiting, goodbye Harry" I said smiling walking away

And with that I had met my soulmate

A/n; this was so fun to write luna's adorable and Celeste is Feisty as anything , I might make a part 2 later
Love you all

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