George weasley

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Everyone forgets your birthday except your enemy

George weasley had come back from his now ex girlfriend's party. Kaitie bell had thrown a party and when George arrived, he saw her making out with his best friend lee Jordan, and stormed out. He thought the common room was empty until he heard quite crying from the girls dorm. Strange everyone was at Katie's party.

He looked over and saw the clock 11:45 November 16th.

He the realised today was his arch rivals birthday. He and y/n had been enemy's since 2nd year when she and him were partners and she out shined him. he then snapped back to reality after hearing the same cry's, his curiosity got the best of him and followed the noise.

Y/n had been staying in her dorm all day. Yeah she thought a couple people would forget but everyone that really hurt. All her friends decided to go to Katie bells party so she decided to just stay in her dorm. She had been practicing a charms spell when she heard a knock on her door. Hoping it would be one of her friends she said "come in" but quickly regretted her decision when she saw the 6.3 ginger in her door way.

Y/n- great did they send you here to throw salt in the wound

G- for once your not making sense, I heard you crying

Y/n- well when everyone forgets your birthday then goes to your enemy's party that usually happens

G- everyone forgot

Y/n- yeah so sorry if I'm not in the mood to talk to you

G- I'm not leaving, no one deserves to spend there 16th birthday alone. Especially you

Y/n- shouldn't you be at your girlfriends party though

G- ex, she kissed lee Jordan

Y/n- ouch, I'm sorry

G- enough about me come here

George was sat on her bed with his arm extended. She decided go and sit next to him as she didn't want to be alone and George didn't seem to be the worst company right now.Once she sat next to him she laid her head in his lap and he started braiding her hair. She became tired as crying can take a lot out of you.

" y/n you can fall asleep I'm not leaving you"

" thank you George do you think we can stop being enemies"

" definitely oh and y/n happy birthday"
Was the last thing she heard before falling asleep to the sensation of George braiding her hair

the next morning she awoke instead of being in George's lap but cuddling into his side with his arm around her. Her hair now had 2 Dutch braids wich she loved.

" morning did you want to go for breakfast" George asked once he noticed she had woken up.

" yeah I do thanks for the braids" she smiled at him as she got up to get ready.

" your welcome it's the least I could I do I have to go to change, meet me in the great hall"

" definitely"

George tucked a loose strand of hair behind her  ear and just as he was about to leave y/n spoke again

" oh and George thank you"
He smiled and left while y/n got changed.

She left to go to the great hall wondering what she was going to say to whatever friend she was going to see first

That friend was hermione in the great hall who had come up to her In the aisle 2 meters away from where George was sitting with an empty spot next to him for her.

" y/n there you are I missed you at the party"
she said as she tried to hug her but she pulled away and Herminoe frowned.
" y/n what's wrong"

" I'm sorry hermione I'm not in the mood today, I thought you of all people would remember"

She got confused. "remember what"

" hermione today is November 17th"

The realisation hit her like a truck

"Y/n I am so so sorry we all forgot"

" save it mione im not In the mood"

She pushed past her to George who had stood up when he saw her start to get upset.
When she got there george wrapped his arms around her.

" come on we're eating breakfast by the lake you shouldn't be here"

She looked up, smiled and nodded while grabbing a croissant and walking off with George his arm draped around her shoulders.

Fred and Ginny who were sitting next to there brother of course were very confused they thought The other one hated the other.
Hermione sat in front of Ginny.
" hermione are you ok what happened
with y/n"

" Ginny we really screwed up"

" what are you talking about" she asked confused

" Ginny it's November 17th"

Ginny sighed and put her head in her hands

" guys what's wrong"
Fred asked as now both girls looked very sad and very guilty

" we forgot y/n's birthday "

" oh man that explains her and George"

" why" Ginny asked curiously

" Katie cheated on him last night, they got in a fight he threw a drink on her. Broke up with her and left back to the common room"

" of course y/n didn't go to Katie's party meaning she must of stayed in her dorm, upset because we forgot her birthday" Herminoe said

They all turned there heads to where y/n and George had now left the hall.

" George and y/n were always enemies but George always cared for her meaning if he heard her crying he would of gone to her"
Ginny stated

" and Y/n upset everyone forgot her birthday would be happy someone remembered meaning she would let him stay"
hermione responded

" so both upset meaning they comforted each other and y/n probably only wants to hang out with him because he's the only one who remembered" Fred finished.

Herminoe and Ginny spent the rest of breakfast brainstorming ways of getting y/n to forgive them and Fred brainstorming prank ideas to pull on Katie for cheating on his brother.

While all this was happening y/n and George stayed sitting in the snow next to the lake eating there breakfast.It was George's mission to make this the make up birthday for y/n.

As the rest of the year went on The two grew incredibly close and eventually each realised the never really hated each-other. They just thought hating each-other would be easier then loving one another.

This is probably one of my fav one shots I've ever written.Part 2 is the chapter after this. Hope you are all enjoying this one shot book💋

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