Charlie weasley

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Does not follow story line 😌

Charlie was the new care of Magical creatures teacher at Hogwarts. He moved back to the burrow to help his family after loosing the man of the house. Arthur's untimely death tore the family apart, only months after the war they loose him and another loss hurt them more,

y/n left because the war took a lot out of her and she needed to get away for a fresh start but she had a weapon up her sleeve. Kingsley shacklebolt was coming to the end of his rope as the minister and the desscision for his processor was an easy one.

He and the Weasleys have been close as he was helping them through the loss of Arthur and giving them support so he was the first to tell them he was leaving office but was sure his processor would look after them like he did.

Y/n was a bit skeptic about taking the job but felt like she needed to, Kingsley did a wonderful job helping the wizarding word get back on it's feet and she knew she could help even more.  After being chosen as a successor Her first speech was too see how she did in the public eye was  at Hogwarts Wich is where she ran into Charlie for the first time in 7 years, they went to school together and both grieved the loss of her sister tonks, she gained custody of her nephew teddy after her mother died of a disease.

Harry was the only other one who knew she was back in town as she reached out to when she gained custody of teddy. The Weasleys stopped reading the prophet or any newspaper because there was always something for Arthur and it hurt them to bad so they didn't know. Kingsley didn't tell them who he had chosen only that she would be in contact with them soon.

Months later when Charlie came home for summer he brang with him a big news. " the new minister for magic is coming here today "

" how do you know?" George questioned,

" that's the thing uh she's also my girlfriend"

" took you for like ever i lokey thought you were a-sexual or gay" Fred commented but that only earned a wack upside the head.

" how'd you even score her I mean she's the minister for magic" Ron questioned but before charlie could answer someone answered for him.

" cause he's the superior brother"  y/n had arrived and was leaning on the wall where she just apperated teddy holding her hand.

They all yelled and delight and tackled her into a hug. Afterwards she was talking to them in the kitchen about her new job then her and Charlie while Teddy was just giggling and laughing the whole time in Harry's arm's.

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now