Mattheo riddle

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Part 2 of the Christmas duo
Happy Christmas everyone who celebrates today.

Snape came around to transfiguration today asking who were staying for the holidays.

It was mine and Mattheo's first Christmas in a relationship even though we've been together since March. He always stays at hogwarts as he doesn't want to go home, and he usually is one of the only slytherin students and the only one of his friends that stays but that changes this year.

Mattheo was about to get up when he saw me getting up as well as we were sitting together.

" what are you doing?" He questioned.
" I'm staying here this year, I would be an awful girlfriend if I let you stay here alone" I responded

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down. " go home love, Christmas is time for family."

" you are my family Mattheo and I'm staying with you, you either come home with me or we stay here together. Decided quickly before snape leaves"

He lowered his head in defeat and let go of my wrist and allowed me to get back up and go to put my name down and he followed.

" Merlin Im in love with you" he snickered when I sat back down with a content smile on my face.

Then I registered what He just said, that's as the first time he ever said it. He always said love you, or I love you but never that.

It's a difference between saying I love you and I'm in love with you. He knew the difference and what it meant for me.

I slowly turned my head to him, and he was gazing at me waiting for a response.

" and I'm in love with you Mattheo" he smiled brightly and was happy the rest of the week, and I was as well.

We spent the holidays together making snowmen and having snowball fights then cuddling inside by the fire in the common room as were both in Slytherin.

Sometimes other activities to pass the time as we didn't need to bother with silencing spells as the only other Slytherins were 7th year girls who spent time in there partners dorm who's weren't in Slytherin. Then a few Slytherin boys who also didn't stay in there dorm so we had the Slytherin common room to ourselves most of the time, and we would be weird to not make the most of it.

On Christmas morning I awoke to Mattheo not there. And yea maybe I panicked a little bit. Okay a lot. That was until I saw him sitting at the end of my bed surrounded by presents. Sure I snuck out of bed to put his there but there were at least 12 more that I did not wrap because they were in different wrapping paper.

" please tell me they are not all for me" i paled.
" no, just the ones in the reindeer wrapping paper"

" Mattheo, there's like 12 there!"

" 14 my love. Be accurate"
I laughed and climbed forward and he handed me my presents first.

There were perfumes, jewellery, shoes, some school supplies and a broom care kit. I thanked him to which he said not to and that we would thank each other later, he said that with an exasperated wink which made me giggle.

I then gave him his presents, Wich we're sweets, a watch, school stuff, and like five bottles of his cologne. Wich I said was for him but I was really for me.

I also got him a lighter with our initials engraved in to encourage him to use it because he never and I mean never does he use his own fucking lighter it's always mine or one of his friends.

We then spent the rest of the day simply lazing around eating food and watching Christmas movies. Then eating the huge Christmas lunch provided, then ice skating on the frozen over black lake at sunset then back to Mattheo's dorm to end the day on a high note.

It was the perfect Christmas gift, spending the day with person I love most in the world.

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