My fav memeory with each hp character

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A compilation of all fun things I've done with each character

Fred- give Mcgonagall drugged cookies, prank war against George, scarring students on Halloween, glitter bombing every office in school, food fights

George- everything about him, George cuddles, baths together, doing face masks, doing his makeup, couple costumes, taking care of him while drunk, our dates in the forbidden forest, singing together, him playing guitar while I play piano, him teaching me how to play guitar, pranking everyone, grossing out ron and Harry by snogging infront of them, putting mistletoe everywhere, partnering in muggle studies and care of magical creatures, watching the storm from our dorms, going on the quidditch pitch at midnight.

Charlie- doing Latin partner dancing in the backyard, piercing his ears, playing with a baby dragon

Harry- he's my brother so a lot; forcing him to watch a horror movie then scaring him, turning  him into a deer, me hitting him for no reason,

Ron- binging on food, screaming and crying because of a tiny spider, cracking jokes whenever, our inside jokes,

Hermione- secret pranks against the twins, our long talks, looking after first years, our own little book club

Ginny- piano duets, pranking her brothers, swim in the black lake, get matching nose piercings, chasing percy for no reason, snow ball fights, getting all dressed up for no reason, playing quidditch together

Luna- listening to all her talks about creatures, playing with thestrals, astronomy study dates,
Chasing creatures around the castle, helping her with homework, punching people that bully her

Draco- doing stupid dances with him at 3 am to get him to let loose, being drunk together, all his talks about Harry ( there funny as fuck ) all the nicknames I call him, buying him a ferret for Christmas

Bill- getting our ears pierced together, listening to music together, dancing together, baking together, playing quidditch together, braiding his hair.

Percy- chasing him around, forcing him to wear his Christmas jumper, snowball fights, teasing him, forcing him to have fun, reading late at night at the burrow, convos with him me and mum ( Lilly )

Lee- our duet in sexy six ( our band ) going to muggle pride, asking out countless guys for him, going to him for relationship advice, Braiding his hair

Angelina- everything we do together, cuddle sessions, late night talks, double dates, swimming in the lake after quidditch, dancing together at party's, teaching younger years about sex Ed, her yelling at me because she thinks we should keep it low key and I think we should tell them everything, her being my filter, teasing the twins

Neville- listen to all his plant interests, helping him with his magic, siting in silence reading, listening to his problems, listening to calming music while studying.

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now