Fred weasley part 2

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Ruby's POV ;

As soon as I closed my eyes they opened again , but is wasn't in pain.

" Ginny"

that's who I thought I was at least, a red head running towards me

She reached me , it wasn't Ginny but I knew those eyes

" oh my god , Lilly"

" welcome home ruby, come the others are waiting"

We walked through the swirling white fog and there they were ,

Sirius ,who I'm guessing was James, moody, a blond girl who must be Marlene, and someone who looked like Sirius but younger then it clicked, regulus

" ruby" Sirius was the first one to hug me , then James then Marlene. I knew I would be happy here, I could still see Fred by this window thing like a pensive that looked down on whoever you wanted to see.

He had a hard time for a while but eventually picked him self back up, as I knew he would, he would talk to me at my grave everyday and I would listen and talk back though he couldn't hear me , I would watch Harry and his quest to find the horcruxes,

I would watch dad slowly pick him self up over time, I watched my little brother be born and grow up over Time ,

I got to know the other marauders, I watched my friends from hogwarts go on with there lives Despite this war , I became friends with my ex Cedric who was killed by Voldemort in 6th year.

While I was watching Fred at shell cottage I saw a patron us appear and I could hear what was going on , I could actually stand in the room while it was happening

Harry was at hogwarts and Voldemort was coming , the war was finally here

We all stood and watched at the window , then I saw it and just as I did

" rub's?"

" DAD?!"

I ran to him and was so happy I finally got to see him again, then tonks arrived and them I realised poor teddy was alone beside from andromeda,

We were all standing talking when James spoke

" all the marauders are back except Peter who's in hell for betrayl and murder"

" your right prongs we need a fourth ma-" Sirius was cut off

" dear marauders consider your search ended , have no fear , with toilet seats straight from hogwarts Freddie's here !"

I immediately turned around , he in fact was standing there just outside the fog ,

" go" Marlene pushed me though she didn't need to

I ran straight into his awaiting arms

" hey you, missed m-" I kissed him cutting him off

" I'll take that as yes" he was smiling ear to ear

"What about Georgeie ?"

Fred's smile soon disappeared

" hey , he will learn to live with it, you did after I died I assure you , there's a window where we can look down on loved ones" I looked towards the window , jame , remus , Sirius and Lilly were all gone

" where'd they go " I asked Marlene who was watching very intently at the window

" Harry's got the resurrection stone , oh no he's giving himself up"

" WHAT HE CANT DO THAT ?!" I yelled As I ran towards the window, they were all conversing down below

" how do I get down there" I asked

" try jumping through it may work cause he's got the stone"

I wasn't waiting I tried and somehow it worked and my feet hit the forest floor as if I was alive again

" ruby ?" Harry had seen me appear in front of him


" language" that was Remus

" shush" I told him, he looked very offended

" Harry don't do this-"

" here , get it to George , he's a mess , all the Weasley's are , maybe using this they can say goodbye, to both of you , one last time" he threw the resurrection stone in the air and i managed to catch it

" go , now"

And with that I left , again I could still walk as if I was alive

The normally beautiful castle was In ruins , fire and smoke billowing out of holes in walls

I closed my eyes and said hopefully George, and when I opened my eyes I saw him sitting by a window still tears streaming down his face, I tried everything but it wouldn't work so eventually I Put in a last ditch effort and dropped the stone beside him,

He found it and picked it up obviously recognising it , he turned the stone twice in his hand and Fred came beside me , and George looked utterly bewildered

" I didn't think it would -"

" well it did Georgie" I smiled at him

" Fred"

" hey brother"

" you can't leave me , u promised you'd see me again , both of you and now your both gone and I'm hear all alone"

" your not alone Georgie we will be right hear , we will be with you , and you can talk to us cause we will be able to hear you , and you can keep that stone" he seemed to not be so broken after that


We talked for longer then george had to go and so did we

We went back and watched the battle , Harry hadn't really died , he survived then killed Voldemort, george told the the Weasley's about our encounter and they seemed to gain some hope back

Eventually george moved on and re opened the joke shop with Ron , then got married to Angie and had a family and grew old , and over the years one by one the Weasley's would join us and our family's were together again , George's reunion was certainly the best

The first thing he said was " finally I'm good looking again"

Finally our lives were complete and we would always love welcoming new family To join us

But still the best thing is having my Freddie with me and the fact we would be together for eternity

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now