Chapter 32

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Nathan seems to know where my mind is going

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Nathan seems to know where my mind is going. Just as I swipe my paw over his neck he pulls. His head rolls off and I jump back like I had been struck.

It is finally over. We did it and done it together. A relief washes over me as I look back and Juilian's body is not moving. Not a creature can come back from that.

The clouds part and you can tell the sun is rising from the rays it is bringing through the trees.

Everyone that was helping to hold him down, lets go and takes a step back as well.

We done it together. It is finally over. Azure links everyone.

The warriors don't waste a second and many start jumping up and down. Howls ring out into the morning air. That never sounded better in my entire life.

Taking a look at everyone I can see many of the warriors has injuries, but they don't seem to let that be stopping them from celebrating.

My eyes lock on Tyler, just as he falls over. I jump over the body and get to him as fast as our legs will move.

I sniff him over. My eyes dart to the wound on his hind leg, it has never stopped bleeding and is now gushing blood. Alastair steps up and places his paw over the wound trying to apply pressure.

Tyler winces and pants like he is in major pain. I don't know what to do.

Layla rushes over to us carrying blankets and clothing alike. She has already shifted back and wearing a long shirt.

She holds up a blanket and throws one over to Nathan who has thrown on the shorts she must have gave him. They are holding up the blankets for me to shift. I shift in an instant, not wanting to waste any time away from Tyler.

I grab the shirt and get it on a second later, pushing my way through the blankets and get right up against Tyler again. I rub through his fur, hoping my touch will help ease some of his discomfort.

"I already linked the pack doctor. He should be here any second with a gurney." Nathan rushes out.

"You will be going with them." I tell him sternly.

My eyes caught the wound he is holding in one hand on his lower right abdomen. Layla rips part of the blanket and moves his hand to cover his wound.

Alastair fairs no better he has scrapes and marks all over his torso, which Hailey is covering up some with her hands.

We took hard hits and we didn't let it stop us. I just wonder how everyone else is fairing that I can't see right in front of me.

Azure is whimpering in the back of my mind, blaming herself for Tyler being hurt like he is.

I don't want to use the heat ability we have to stop the bleeding. I could cauterize his wound, but I am worried not knowing why it is bleeding so much all of a sudden if something more didn't cause it. I know it was a knife but did it knick something and it just start bleeding worse or could it have been something on the knife.

Then there is the risk of infection because of everything that has happened since. There is just so many risks to trying to stop the bleeding. Where the sane heck is the doctor?

Cracking brings me out of my panic, as Tyler starts shifting out of his wolf. Nathan is quick to take a blanket and place over his body, while Alastair keeps holding pressure to his leg.

I hold his head in my lap since he has his eyes closed, and breathing rapidly.

The sound of wheels and feet squishing on the ground has me looking up to see the doctor and several of the medical helpers rushing towards us.

Took them long enough. Azure growls.

Calm down, please. They had to get out of hiding and all the medical supplies gathered to get out here to us. Normally the wounded go to them, they don't come out here to us. I snap back. I feel guilty for snapping at her, I know she is worried, so am I.

The doctor moves right to his leg and looks before a list of profanities start flying out of his mouth. Well that is sure reassuring, when that is his first response.

"He was definitely poisoned. We need to get him to the hospital wing now." The doctor orders, after applying a pressure bandage to his wound.

Alastair and Nathan both go to pick him up, but the doctor stops them. "Not you two. You both are already injured enough."

Greg and Cole sweep in and start to lift Tyler off the ground, even though they are not fairing any differently from the others. Being Alpha's themselves the pack doctor grumbles but won't order them not to.

Once he is on the gurney, we all take off racing for the medical wing.

"I want everyone injured to the medical wing. We will set up a triage and see who needs tending to the fastest." I yell loud enough for everyone to hear.

Wolves start moving in behind us, and I have a feeling we are going to be outside tending to some of the injured. Even though it is a big medical wing many wolves are sporting some type of injury and there is not enough space inside.

"I got to take him to the operating room Luna. You won't be allowed in there, but we will keep you updated." The doctor rushes out as they wheel him back.

I watch until the doors are closed. Taking in a deep breath I turn to face the others. Melissa is here and at my side a second later.

"Why don't we get you in a seat?" She softly coos.

"No, but thank you. If I sit here I will stress and right now I have other pack members that need help." I calmly reply.

She nods understanding I need to keep busy. They all start pulling the clip boards out and loading them up with paper. We grab as much medical supplies as we can carry and start going around.

Layla, Hailey, Melissa, and myself start getting the worse of the wounded sat in chairs or placed in rooms.

I am beyond exhausted but there is still to much going on to let myself have a moments rest and I can't rest not knowing what is going on with Tyler. My heart starts to ache at the thought of him in the pain and the unknown of it all.

We done it defeating Juilian, but at what cost.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

So Juilian is officially gone! Who's celebrating that?

Tyler's poisoned and many are injuries. Looks like it is going to be some recovery efforts in place. 

Anyone wanting to guess what may happen next???

Thank you for all comments and votes they make my day! Lots of love going out!

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