Everything I Dreamed

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5 Months Later

Y/N stepped quietly into the nursery, she was sure she had heard a noise on the baby monitor and had wanted to check everything was okay. She was also trying to avoid Wanda being woken up, she was currently fast asleep downstairs on the couch and Y/N really wanted her to get some rest. It had been an eventful forty-eight hours and just when Y/N hadn't thought Wanda could amaze her anymore than she already had, Wanda had brought their beautiful daughter into the world. 

Talia Natasha Hope Maximoff had been born at 4:15 am weighing 7lb 2oz and Y/N had fallen in love the moment she had seen their gorgeous little girl. They had stayed in hospital for the day, the team had all piled into the room as soon as they had been allowed and they had brought so many presents with them. Y/N was still having to find space for them all around the house. 

"Hey there my beautiful little Talia" Y/N smiled softly as she lent down and carefully lifted Talia out of the crib that Clint had built for them. 

Cradling Talia in her arms, Y/N rocked her gently as she walked around the nursery. Y/N came to a stop by the window and looked out over the front of the house. Standing there holding Talia, in the house that her and Wanda had dreamed of, it felt so right. This was how it was always meant to be and against every odd, her and Wanda had made it all come true. 

"You are so perfect little one" Y/N said as she pressed a gentle kiss on top of Talia's head, "Shall we go and check on your mom?" 

Y/N carried Talia downstairs and turned into the living area, smiling brightly as she saw Wanda awake and smiling at the pair of them. 

"You look so beautiful" Y/N said as she crossed the room over to the couch that Wanda was lying on. 

"Mmm you're such a charmer Y/N Maximoff" Wanda laughed softly as she sat up, making room for Y/N to sit down beside her.  

"How could I not want to charm the gorgeous woman who has made me the luckiest person in the whole world?" Y/N said as she sat down, tilting her head to look at Wanda. 

Wanda smiled even more as she lent in and kissed Y/N, letting her forehead rest against hers. For the last few months they had been able to live their lives without the fear or some kind of threat. It had been strange at first, but after it had been confirmed that Ross was really gone, they had soon adjusted to being able to fully live their lives. 

"When are the others getting here?" Wanda asked as she adjusted slightly and lent against Y/N resting her head on her shoulder. 

"Yelena and Kate are already here, but they've gone for a hike. I believe the others will be turning up in the next couple of hours" Y/N replied as she tilted her head and pressed a kiss to the top of Wanda's head. 

Since the news had broke of Ross passing, the team had finally been able to go back to having a somewhat 'normal' life, as normal as life could be when you're an Avenger. The day she had received the text from Sharon, Y/N had managed to slip away from the rest of the team and put a call in to Sharon.


'How?' Y/N asked as soon as Sharon had answered. 

'The less you and the team know the better. Just trust me, it'll never be linked to you. It'll look like natural causes, it was another heart attack' Sharon explained to Y/N

'What if someone works out that it was you though?' Y/N frowned slightly, pacing up and down the porch.

'Nobody will know. Come on Y/N, you've worked with me you know I don't allow for any mistakes like that. Look I always promised I would help you Y/N and just consider this me keeping that promise' Sharon told Y/N

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