Let's Finish This

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Nat and Sharon didn't say much to one another as they walked through the compound, it was no secret that neither of them were big fans of the other. It had been made very clear when Nat had practically dragged Sharon out of the wedding reception and demanded that Sharon tell the truth as to why she had really turned up. Sharon had stuck with her story though, that she was there to help Y/N tie up the loose ends with the Red Web. 

It had been the welcome that Sharon had been expecting and she had considered not coming but she owed it to Y/N. She had promised they would be friends no matter what and as her friend Sharon wanted to give her this chance to deal with the people that had stolen years of her life from her. 

Y/N had told Sharon everything that had happened to her as Agent X when they'd been together in Madripoor and since then Sharon had been working on using her connections to solve the mystery as to where Petrov and Stein had vanished to. 

Sharon had known from the moment that Y/N had walked out of her apartment in Madripoor that she wouldn't be coming back. Wanda was always going to win, but Sharon knew that if the past was anything to go on, that Wanda also had a track record of hurting Y/N. If that was going to happen again then Sharon wanted to be the one to be there for Y/N to show her that maybe, just maybe she had made the wrong choice in rushing back to save Wanda. 

"We got the reports back from your people and we've firmed them up with some surveillance of our own. Looks like your sources were good, we found the location where Petrov has been hiding out and we also saw Stein entering and leaving there regularly" Steve spoke as Nat and Sharon walked into the conference room. 

"You have my always trust redwing to thank for these videos and images. Managed to fly it much closer than I could have got" Sam said from where he was sitting as he pulled up the recordings to show them. 

Nat folded her arms as she stood and watched the footage that showed the mountainside complex that Petrov had hidden himself in. From her assessment it looked well defended but they also knew the Red Web was lacking in man power after they arrested a large majority of them at the facility in London two years ago. 

"Has anyone told Y/N yet?" Sharon asked looking over at Steve in particular, he'd been the only one that hadn't treated her like she was here to kidnap Y/N. 

"We're not telling Y/N, she doesn't need to get involved with this. We can deal with it" Nat answered before Steve could say anything. 

"I promised Y/N that when I had news that she would know. You want us to just not tell her?" Sharon snapped back at Nat, clearly unimpressed by the idea. 

Nat glared at Sharon but could see out of the corner of her eye, Steve giving her a warning look to not start a fight. Steve had been the one that'd had to tell Nat that Sharon was going to be staying at the compound for a little while until the situation with Petrov and Stein was resolved. It hadn't gone down well and he could tell that Nat was reaching the end of her patience with Sharon being around.  

"Nat is right Sharon. There is no reason to bring Y/N or Wanda in on this, they deserve to be left alone and to move on from this stuff. The four of us can handle this. Tony and Bruce are busy with science stuff, Clint is with his family, Bucky is in Wakanda and Vision is on another mission. So that leaves us" Steve explained as he paused the footage playing on the screen. 

"What about Yelena and Daisy?" Sam asked as he stood up. 

"They'll remain here to look after the compound and provide us support from here should we need it" Steve added as he glanced at Nat who was still glaring at Sharon. 

"You're going to trust the kids with looking after this place? Tony will be thrilled about that" Sam laughed, shaking his head. 

"Yeah I hope I don't regret that decision. Okay, we'll leave first thing tomorrow morning, let's finish this before Y/N and Wanda get back" Steve said to them, before gesturing for Sharon to follow him, knowing it wouldn't be wise to leave her alone with Nat. 

Sharon walked out of the conference room beside Steve, they headed to the communal area which was oddly deserted due to so many of the team being away or elsewhere in the compound. 

"You doing okay?" Steve asked as he grabbed two bottles of water from one of the fridges, handing one to Sharon. 

"Mm yeah, besides being treated like a home wrecker by certain people, I'm doing great" Sharon replied sarcastically as she sat on one of the stools. 

Steve sighed and moved round to sit next to her, he has tried to get the team to chill out on giving Sharon such a hard time but they were all just so protective of Y/N and Wanda that they hadn't really accepted that Sharon hadn't come here without an ulterior motive. 

"I know some of the team haven't been overly welcoming, but in their defence they've all done a lot over these last years to protect Y/N or Wanda, so they're just weary that's all" Steve told her as he opened his bottle of water. 

"If I had come here to ruin the wedding, don't they think i'd have turned up sooner? Rather than waiting until they'd actually tied the know" Sharon frowned slightly. 

"Look I'm just going to ask this once and it'll stay between us, but Sharon, are you still in love with Y/N?" Steve asked, though he was pretty sure he knew the answer already. 

Sharon sat there quietly for a moment, she had been trying to do everything to stop feeling the way she did about Y/N, but the harder she tried the harder it was to shut them off. It hurt seeing Y/N with Wanda, seeing them have the relationship that she had thought her and Y/N were going to have together. But she had promised Y/N that no matter what choice she made that they would always be friends and Sharon wouldn't break that promise even if it felt like torture being so close to Y/N. 

"I'm not in love with Y/N and even if I was, I wouldn't ruin hers and Wanda's relationship. Y/N is my friend and I promised to help her with this when she was in Madripoor, so I'm just following through on that promise" Sharon replied, she didn't like lying to Steve but she didn't want to admit it out loud, how she really felt. 

"Alright, I believe you. Now I've got to go and find Yelena and break the news to her that she's got to stay behind. I'll catch up with you later" Steve nodded as he stood back up. 

"Good luck with that" Sharon said giving him a small smile, relieved that he wasn't going to push the subject of Y/N any further. 

Steve smiled back before leaving to find Yelena. Sitting there Sharon wondered if she had made the right choice coming here, it was becoming more complicated that she had thought. 

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