Actions Have Consequences

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Y/N jolted awake as something was slammed down on the table. When her and Yelena had got in last night, most of the others had been out, not Nat and Wanda though. They had both been stood waiting for them and neither of them had looked impressed as Y/N had stumbled out of the car, followed by a sheepish Yelena. 

Before Y/N could say anything Wanda had shut her down and said she needed to sleep off the alcohol and then they would assess the situation in the morning. Sensing how pissed off Wanda was, Y/N had opted to sleep on one of the couches in the communal area to avoid starting any arguments with her wife. 

"Happy with yourself kid? Look at that slap bang on the front page!" Tony's voice seemed louder than usual, Y/n put that down to the hangover making her head feel extremely sensitive. 

Sitting up slowly, Y/N reached out and picked up the newspaper from the coffee table. Flipping it open fully her violet eyes scanned the headline and the photos that accompanied it. All of them were from the bar last night and all of them showed her violently attacking the men that had come over to them. 

The headline read 'Avenger Y/N L/N goes on a drunken rampage' and beneath that 'Six innocent men are in critical condition in hospital following an unprovoked attack.'

"And as if that wasn't bad enough" Tony added switching on the TV. 

The news channel came on and the main headline reflected the one that Y/N had read on the newspaper, but instead of just photos the news channel was showing recorded clips of what had happened in the bar. Conveniently though none of these clips showed how the bikers had approached her and Yelena first, or how they had grabbed Yelena moments before Y/N had attacked them. 

"Tony I'm sorry but you've got to believe me, I didn't start this, it's nothing like what they're saying. Those guys grabbed Yelena first, I was just defending us" Y/N tried to explain as tony muted the TV. 

"Y/N what you did it's hard to sell it as self defence, one guy has multiple fractures in his arms and legs, another guy had to have splinters from a pool cue removed from his eye and one of them you pretty much crushed his jaw bone to dust! What were you thinking going out in public like this?" Tony tried to keep his voice level but he was angry and upset that Y/N was in this situation. 

Some of the others had appeared in the communal area having heard Tony. Wanda appeared with Nat, Yelena and Daisy. Whilst Steve arrived a few moments later with Sam and Bucky. 

"Tony that's enough" Wanda said firmly as she made her way over to Y/N. 

"Oh but it's not, because now we have Secretary Ross calling for Y/N and us to be held accountable for our actions. After everything it took to get him off our back last time, we've now handed him another reason to come after us" Tony shook his head, as he dropped down into one of the armchairs. 

"We've also got a lot of reporters and members of the public crowding around the front gate of the compound" Steve added with a small frown. 

It had never crossed Y/N's mind that she would be a risk like this, when she had come back to the team, back to Wanda, she'd thought that these blackouts were over. That was why she had never mentioned them on her return, things had been good, she'd been happy again with Wanda and so Y/N had thought that would be the end of it. She'd been so wrong and now she had caused all of this. 

"Ross is just looking for payback for the number of times we've humiliated him, there's no way he'll get the support to have Y/N put on trial for this. We just need to lay low until it blows over" Nat said, looking between Steve and Tony, neither of them looked convinced. 

Y/N stood up, unable to hear anymore of this. Wanda was immediately by Y/N's side sensing the stress and anxiety Y/N was feeling, her hand slipped into Y/N's, squeezing it gently to try and calm her down. 

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