That Honeymoon Love

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Rays of warm sunlight filtered through in to the bedroom and the sound of waves gently crashing against the sand could be heard. Y/N turned over her arm instinctively reaching out to the space beside her. Her eyes flew open when she found that the other side of the bed that should have been occupied by her gorgeous wife was empty. 

They were staying in a beautiful overwater luxury bungalow in Hawaii, it was made up of three rooms along with a large deck that wrapped around it, with an infinity pool, seating and a small set of stairs that led into the crystal blue ocean. Which meant there couldn't be too many places that Wanda had gone but that didn't stop Y/N from feeling a rush of panic. 

"Wanda?" Y/N climbed out of bed her bare feet touching the warm wood of the floor. 

There was no response which made Y/N frown, grabbing a t-shirt she tugged in on as she made her way outside onto the decking. Her violet eyes swept over the decking and then she saw Wanda, she was laying on one of the sun loungers, headphones in and a book in her hands. 

Relieved that Wanda was there and that her worst fear of someone having taken Wanda wasn't true, Y/N made her way down to where Wanda was. Sensing Y/N coming toward her, Wanda smiled brightly, setting the book down on the small table beside her and taking the headphones out. 

"Well hey there sleeping beauty, I was starting to think you were going to sleep the day away" Wanda teased as she pulled Y/N down onto the sun lounger with her. 

"It's not like we got much sleeping done last night" Y/N smirked as she propped herself up to be hovering over Wanda. 

"I seem to remember you being the one that instigated that" Wanda laughed as she moved her hands to rest on Y/N's hips. 

"Are you saying you didn't enjoy yourself?" Y/N asked arching her brow. 

"Mmm I'm pretty sure you know just how much I enjoyed it baby" Wanda said as she lent up and kissed Y/N. 

They were a week into their honeymoon and they had definitely been making the most of the privacy that they had here. It had been refreshing to spend time away from the compound and even though they both loved their friends, it was also nice knowing that they weren't going to be interrupted by someone forgetting to knock. 

"That's a nice t-shirt you've got on" Y/N said with a smile as she moved to lay down beside Wanda, wrapping an arm around her. 

"Thanks, my wife has a really good t-shirt collection" Wanda laughed, her eyes sparkling with happiness as she looked at Y/N, "So are you going to show me what you've been working on in that sketchbook yet?" 

Y/N knew that Wanda was desperate to know what she was up to, often trying to sneak up on her to see what she was drawing. Each time though Y/N's super soldier reflexes and senses had foiled Wanda's attempts to steal a peek and Y/N would close the sketchbook and distract Wanda with kisses and other things. It wasn't that Y/N didn't want to show it to Wanda, she was just trying to make sure it was perfect before letting Wanda look at it. 

"You're not going to give up are you?" Y/N said with a smile, knowing full well that when Wanda wanted to know something she didn't stop until Y/N gave in. 

"Well I think keeping secrets from your wife is probably frowned upon" Wanda teased with a playful grin. 

"Okay okay, you win. You can see" Y/N laughed, kissing Wanda's cheek. 

Wanda smiled triumphantly and used her magic to summon the sketchbook, it landed softly between them on the lounger. Picking it up Y/N undid the leather strap that was wrapped around it and flicked it open, she turned it around and handed it over to Wanda. 

"This is what I've been working on for us" Y/N said as she revealed the sketches of the dream house she had promised Wanda they would build together all those years ago. 

Taking the sketchbook from Y/N, Wanda looked at each of the sketches. Some were of the outside of the house and others were detailed floor plans of each level. They were stunning and Wanda's heart was filled with joy knowing that this was what y/n had been secretly working on since they had arrived here. 

"Y/N these are amazing... Does that say nursery?" Wanda stopped on one of the pages, her finger brushing over the word written there. 

Y/N's cheeks went slightly red, she'd forgotten about that part, she had only added it yesterday and now she felt nervous that Wanda would think it was too much. 

"Um well I know we haven't spoken about it in awhile and obviously it's not happening right now. But I just... Do you still want to have kids with me?" Y/N asked, nervously biting the corner of her lip as she looked at Wanda. 

"Y/N, of course I want to have kids with you!" Wanda said as she threw her arms around Y/n pulling her into a tight hug, "I want everything with you, I really do." 

Y/N beamed with joy as she held Wanda. It still felt like a dream that after everything they had been through together that they were here and they were happy, planning a future together. They'd had to overcome so much to get to this point and Y/N didn't want to ever take a single moment with Wanda for granted. 

"I've been in contact with some of the realtors that Tony recommended to me and when we get back, there are a few plots of land that we can go and take a look at together" Y/N explained unable to contain her excitement about it. 

"That sounds perfect, I can't wait" Wanda nodded with a smile as she looked at Y/N. 

"So what would you like to do for the rest of the day? I've heard there is a really good restaurant not too far from here that we could try out or we could go on a tour of the island" Y/N asked Wanda, as they sat looking out at the ocean. 

"Mmm both of those sound like fun, but before we do that I think I would like to take my wife back to our bed" Wanda said with a seductive smile, moving to slowly take off Y/N's t-shirt that she burrowed. 

Y/N smirked as her eyes ran over Wanda's body, the removal of the t-shirt revealing the black laced lingerie she had on underneath. Wanda got up from the sun lounger and held her hand out to Y/N her eyes filled with lust as the seductive smile still danced across her lips. Taking hold of Wanda's hand, Y/N followed as Wanda led them back inside.  

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