One Wrong Move

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"Is everyone in position?" Steve asked over the comms as he slipped past one of the guards near the perimeter fence. 

"Yeah me and Sharon have reached our position, Cap" Sam replied after a few moments. 

"I'm in position too, looks like we're in luck. I've just seen Steins car pull up. They're both here" Nat said as she crouched down on the roof of the building. 

"Alright, Nat when you're ready give me a distraction and I'll move in. Sam, Sharon you follow from my left. Remember this is an in and out job, we grab Petrov and Stein and then get back to the quinjet, let's not get caught in a massive fight" Steve said to them as he pulled his Shield from his back. 

Nat unclipped the two smoke grenades from her belt and peered over the edge of the roof. Once she caused the distraction, she would leave Steve, Sam and Sharon to deal with the guards, whilst she got inside, using the chaos as cover to get to Petrov and Stein. That was the plan, she just hoped that it went smoothly with it only being the four of them here. 

Pulling the pins from both of the grenades, Nat threw them and watched as they landed exactly where she needed them too. There was only a few seconds between the grenades landing and the sudden panic and rushing of the guards as they realised that the place was being attacked.

 Without a second of hesitation Nat ran across the rooftop, jumping from the edge and crashing through one of the windows of the main building, as she rolled out she drew her gun and took out two guards that rushed toward her. 

Steve watched as Nat made it into the main building as he was running toward the group of guards assembling outside where the smoke grenades had landed. Throwing his shield ahead of him, it took out three of the guards who were still scrambling around trying to figure out where the assault was coming from. 

"Come on thats our cue, have you got the charges ready to go?" Sam asked Sharon as they moved from the cover of the shipping crate on Steve's left. 

"Yes, like the last ten times you asked me, I've got them and I know that they need to be placed on the west and east side of the building. This really isn't my first rodeo Sam, you can stop worrying" Sharon replied, not appreciating the way Sam was acting like her babysitter. 

Before Sam could reply a guard came rushing toward him through the smoke and grabbed hold of him. Grunting from the force of the impact, Sam stepped back dodging the taser the guard was brandishing.

As the guard moved his arm back to try and strike again, Sam stepped forward, slamming his elbow into the chest of the other guy, before using the momentum to send the guard crashing backwards into a huge pile of wooden crates. 

"Sharon, go, I'll keep them distracted!" Sam shouted over the sound of the gunfire echoing around the huge courtyard. 

Drawing his own gun, Sam let out a round of shots, getting the attention of three guards who had just entered the courtyard. Seeing her chance, Sharon moved out from behind Sam and sprinted toward the building. 


Yelena sat watching the video feed from Sam's drone, Redwing that was circling above the the location. When Steve had told her to stay behind, Yelena had protested and tried to get him to change his mind but hadn't succeeded. 

"Such a show off, bet she even did her superhero landing too" Yelena muttered as she spotted Nat leaping from roof top. 

"You still bitter about missing out on the action?" Daisy asked as she came back in to the room, having gone to raid the kitchen for some more snacks. 

"It would have made sense to take more of us, we don't really know what resources Petrov has. They could end up getting overrun by Red Web goons and we are thousands of miles away sitting on our arses" Yelena complained as she spun around in the chair to look at Daisy. 

"Come on you really think that Steve and Nat couldn't have dealt with this as just the two of them? They've got Sam and Sharon there for back up and we are here to push the red button to get everyone back here if something goes wrong" Daisy said as she set the armful of snacks down on the table. 

Yelena knew that Daisy was probably right and she was worrying for nothing, but that didn't mean she wouldn't have preferred to be there getting in on the action. Daisy came over to her, moving to sit on Yelena's lap, taking her face in her hands. 

"Stop pouting, you'll give yourself wrinkles" Daisy teased as she smiled at Yelena. 

"I'm not pouting at all, I don't pout" Yelena laughed as she put her arms around Daisy. 

Closing the small space between them, Daisy brought her lips to Yelena's, kissing her softly and slowly as one of her hands moved to grip the back of Yelena's neck. Yelena kissed Daisy back, her tongue brushing against Daisy's lower lip as she moved her own hands under Daisy's shirt. 

The pair of them were distracted from the monitors in that moment, missing the fact that a sniper had been able to get past Steve and Sam and make it up onto the top of the shipping crate that was in the courtyard. 


Sharon pulled open the bag she'd been carrying and grabbed out one of the explosive charges. Glancing over her shoulder she couldn't really make out any details of the fighting that was happening, but it sounded like Steve and Sam were still handling the situation. 

Checking the timer on the charge again, Sharon moved to place it in position, turning her back on the chaos behind her. Placing it on the the side of the building, Sharon went to open her comms line to tell Steve the first charge was in place but as she stood up a searing pain went through her. 

Sharon stumbled and reached out using the wall to stop herself falling. Her other hand moved to her stomach and she felt the wet warmth of her blood seeping through the shirt she was wearing. Another bullet flew through the air, narrowly missing Sharon as she sunk down onto her knees, watching the bullet lodge itself in the brickwork near to where the explosive charge was. 

"Damn it" Sharon said grimacing in pain as she tried to apply more pressure to the wound. 

With a lot of effort and her entire body screaming in pain with each movement, Sharon managed to pull herself into some cover, hoping that it would keep her out of sight from whoever have shot her. 

"Steve... slight problem... I can't get the second charge in place" Sharon said through gritted teeth as she managed to open the comms link to the others. 

"What, why not, we need to make sure it's in place" Steve replied, concerned that if they didn't get the charge in place and blow this place to pieces that the Red Web would find a way out. 

"I've been shot... so in about three minutes... I'm going to lose consciousness... then probably less than two minutes after that I'll bleed out..." Sharon explained as she tried to use her jacket to slow down the bleeding. 

"Sharon you're going to be fine, I'm coming to you now!" Steve said as he smashed his shield into the face of a guard coming toward him. 

Steve moved as fast as he could in the direction of where Sharon would have been placing the first charge, praying that he could get to her in time to help her. 

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