Days Like This

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Yelena had snuck out of the medical bay whilst Dr Cho had been distracted by checking some results for Sharon. There was no way she was going to stay there and be reminded of the mistake she had made, so Yelena headed outside, deciding that a walk and some fresh air might help clear her head. 

"Were you planning to just not tell me that Y/N nearly beat you half to death?" 

The voice made Yelena spin around, her training kicking in as she braced herself ready to attack if she needed to. Realisation swept over her though as she realised that it was Daisy who had spoken, she was leaning against the wall outside a concerned look on her face as she saw the bruises and stitches on Yelena's face. 

"I had the situation under control, Steve and Bucky made it worse. I could have handled Y/N on my own" Yelena muttered as she tried to hide the pain shooting across her ribs as she walked. 

"Yelena come on, you should be resting, not going off on a hike" Daisy frowned as she fell into step beside her girlfriend. 

Clenching her jaw, Yelena kept walking, she wasn't really sure where she was going but the grounds of the compound were large enough that it would be easy to put some space between herself and the others. She knew Daisy was worried about her and Yelena wanted to tell her she was okay but it would have been a lie so it was better for now to say nothing. 

"Why did you tell Y/N what happened? I thought it had been decided that there was no need to do that" Daisy asked trying to get Yelena to talk to her. 

"Y/N has been nothing but good to me since we met, she is one of my closest friends, I won't lie to her. Not that it matters, she'll probably never want to see me again after what happened" Yelena snapped at Daisy, coming to a stop near the lake. 

Daisy sighed, she hated seeing Yelena upset and it was difficult to know what to say as part of her was aware that all of these emotions that Yelena had went back to her still blaming herself for what had happened to Lexa. 

"Come on, we both know that Y/N will understand, it was probably just the shock that made her react the way she did. Y/N will still be your friend Yelena" Daisy tried to reassure her. 

"How can you always be so optimistic? I fucked up Daisy, not only did I nearly get Sharon killed but now I've also screwed with Y/N's head. Do you know how long it took before to get Y/N back the last time her mind got totally messed up?! Everybody is going to hate me for doing this!" Yelena shouted at Daisy, losing her composure as the realisation of what had happened crashed down around her. 

Daisy flinched slightly as Yelena yelled. 

"Everything will be okay. You have to stop blaming yourself for every bad thing that happens" Daisy said as she stepped closer to Yelena. 

"Every mission that has gone wrong, I have been the reason why! It was me that got Lexa killed on a mission, then I went on a mission with Y/N that resulted in Wanda breaking up with Y/N, which led to Wanda nearly going nuclear and then on this mission I nearly get Sharon killed, another person Y/N cares about! Please tell me how I am suppose to not blame myself for those things!" Yelena yelled as tears streamed down her face. 

Daisy didn't say another word, she knew right now there was nothing she could say that would make Yelena feel better. Instead she moved and wrapped her arms around Yelena, pulling her in close, comforting her as she cried. 


Days like this were the kind of days that Nat wished she could start over again to make sure that all the bad things never happened. Unfortunately she didn't possess an infinity stone to do that and Stephen Strange always went on about not messing with time, so it wasn't like he would volunteer to do it for her. 

They had discussed the situation at length about Y/N and had even called Shuri and T'Challa, both had offered for Y/N to return to Wakanda to heal, but Nat wasn't sure how willing Y/N would be. It was put down as an option though, along with the idea of getting a psychologist in, someone who Y/N could actually talk to about everything that she had so far kept buried inside. 

"Want a drink?" Steve asked as he walked into the kitchen, noting how stressed Nat looked. 

"A drink would be really good right now" Nat nodded as she collapsed onto one of the couches and stared up at the ceiling. 

"I just checked in with Wanda, to keep her updated on things. She says she'll approach the subject of Wakanda with Y/N" Steve explained as he poured two glasses of whiskey and joined Nat on the couch. 

"Let's hope Y/N is willing to be open minded and not shut down the help" Nat said as she took the glass from Steve. 

"Maybe this was just a one off and it won't happen again" Steve suggested before taking a sip of the whiskey. 

Nat adjusted her position on the couch, crossing her legs and balancing the whiskey glass on her knee as she looked at Steve. 

"This wasn't the first time it happened Steve. I spoke to Sharon earlier, she said that Y/N had blacked out like that quite a few times in Madripoor and it never ended well for the people around her" Nat sighed as she tapped her fingers against the glass. 

"What, why didn't you say that earlier with the others?" Steve asked with a slight frown. 

"Because you would have all tried to force Y/N to Wakanda whether she liked it or not if you'd known it had happened more than once. I didn't want people to overreact" Nat explained, finally taking a sip of the whiskey. 

Steve knew that Nat was making a fair point, but the team only wanted what was best for Y/N. They all on some level felt responsible for the numerous bad things that Y/N had suffered through over the years of being with them. Everyone had been so sure after the wedding that things would finally be good and settle down, Y/N and Wanda both deserved that, so when the incident had happened today it had been tough to deal with. 

"How are things with you and Carol?" Steve asked, deciding to change the subject. 

"Yeah we sorted a lot of things out, we're good. She should be back in a few days from sorting out whatever intergalactic disaster was happening" Nat said with a small smile. 

"I'm glad that you figured things out, you two are good together. You deserve to be happy Nat" Steve smiled back. 

"What about you? When are you going to get yourself back in the dating game? I mean you and Sharon have some history, maybe you could rekindle that" Nat asked with a slight grin as Steve's cheeks went red. 

"I'm fairly certain that my chance with Sharon is long gone and I don't think she's truly moved on from Y/N. We both know me and dating just aren't a great combination" Steve replied before finishing off his whiskey. 

"Well I hope Sharon keeps that to herself, I wouldn't stop Wanda from dropping her into a different reality" Nat said, her tone completely serious. 

"I don't think we need to worry about it. Sharon is smart, she'll know deep down that nothing will ever happen, she just needs some time to move on" Steve said as he stood up, "I'm going to try and get some sleep, before the next crisis, you should get some too." 

"Someone needs to stay up and make sure the place doesn't burn to the ground. Enjoy your sleep old man" Nat teased as Steve laughed and left. 

Laying back on the couch, Nat pulled out her phone and clicked on the emails. Opening a new one, she started typing, explaining everything that had happened. When the message was finished, Nat hit send, hoping that the email would find its way to wherever Carol was in the universe. 

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