Let Me Help

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Yelena hadn't known where she was going, she just kept driving, putting as much distance between her and the city as she could. What had happened tonight, it had brought back memories that she had buried down deep and it had spooked her. 

A sign up ahead for a motel caught Yelena's eye, she needed to stop and figure out what she was doing. She felt an immense amount of guilt for just leaving Kate in the apartment, but she didn't know how to be in the same place as Kate when she was feeling like this. 

Parking up her truck, Yelena walked to the reception. A bell chimed as she walked inside, it earnt her an unimpressed grunt from the old man behind the counter who had to stop watching the football game. 

"What do you want?" He asked gruffly, eyeing up Yelena with suspicion, she had forgotten she was covered in blood, cuts and bruises. 

"This is a motel, I want a room obviously" Yelena replied sarcastically before pushing two hundred dollar bills over the counter, it was far more that she needed to pay but Yelena knew that money often kept people quiet. 

"Right of course, here room 222 it's one of our best" the man said his tone suddenly upbeat as he picked up the money before sliding the room key over to Yelena. 

"Thanks" Yelena muttered as she took the key and headed back out to find the room. 

Clearly the owner of the establishment had a different standard for what was 'best', the room looked like it was frozen in the 80's and it was questionable when it had last been cleaned properly. Yelena had stayed in worst places though, at least this one had a proper bed, it would do whilst she figured her shit out. 

Yelena flopped down onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. She stayed like that for awhile, just trying to organise her emotions and thoughts into something coherent. Everything had been fine and then she had stupidly let herself open up and start to really care about someone, it had just got so complicated. 

The sound of her phone vibrating on the table beside the bed had Yelena stretching out to grab it. She had glanced at the screen earlier and seen numerous missed call and message notifications from Kate. Now there were several more but they were from Nat, Yelena definitely didn't feel like talking to her sister right now, who would probably give her an 'I told you so' speech. 

She was about to throw the phone back on the table when it lit up again, a photo of her and Y/N together drinking slushies appear on the screen and across the top it said 'Home Depot is calling'. Yelena's thumb hovered over the cancel button but at the last moment she decided to answer it. 

'Bloody hell Yelena you scared the life out of me. What is going on? Where are you' Y/N's voice was a mixture of relief and concern. 

"Y/N I'm okay..." Yelena cut in but she felt anything but okay.

'Lena I have known you long enough to know when you aren't okay. Let me help' Y/N said, knowing full well from Yelena's tone she was struggling. 

"I panicked.. And now it's all a mess Y/N... I don't know what I'm doing... I screwed up the mission" Yelena's voice trembled as she fought to hold back her tears. 

'Dont worry about the mission Lena, I'm not bothered about that. I'm bothered that my best friend has done a runner and is crying. We've sorted out worse messes together, so whatever this is, it'll be alright' Y/N reassured Yelena gently. 

"Nat was right though, I'm dangerous to be around. Kate got hurt tonight and that's on me. I know she was okay this time but what if next time she isn't, Y/N?" Yelena's voice broke as she spoke. 

'Lena, listen to me. You are not dangerous to be around. The job that we do is dangerous and we all know that going into it. If we take your logic then I am fucking cursed to be around with all the shit that happens to me or because of me. But you've stayed by me through all of that and so have the others. Which means we will all stay with you, no matter what crazy thoughts you're having in your head right now about thinking you have to stay away from us and from Kate to keep us safe' Y/N wanted Yelena to understand that running away wasn't going to solve things. 

Pulling the edge of her top over her hand, Yelena used it to wipe the tears from her cheeks as she listened to Y/N. 

"I just don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me" Yelena cried as she drew her knees up to her chest. 

'Nobody has been hurt because of you Lena. What happened to Lexa did not happen because of you, Agatha was to blame for that and the thug who attacked her. You need to forgive yourself, because I know for a fact that Lexa if she could tell you, would tell you to stop torturing yourself for it' Y/N said as she switched the phone over to her other hand. 

Yelena knew that Y/N was right, if Lexa could see her now she would be kicking her arse for acting like such an idiot to Kate and the team. For so long she had been carrying around the guilt and shame for what had happened, making herself believe it had all been her fault. Maybe it was time to try and work through that, instead of letting this happen. 

There was a knock on the room door that dragged Yelena out of her thoughts. She frowned slightly getting up, keeping her phone in her hand as she walked over. Slowly opening the door, Yelena peered through the gap. 

"Hey Lena" Y/N stood there with a motorbike helmet tucked under one arm and her phone in the other. 

"How did you know I was here..." Yelena asked slightly confused, "Shouldn't you be back at the house with Wanda? You aren't supposed to be just out here when there is a bounty on your head." 

"I'm married to a witch whose powers I still don't fully understand, she found where you were. And I don't care about the bounty, my best friend needs me so here I am. And before you ask Wanda and Nat gave me their blessing to come and get you" Y/N smiled warmly. 

Yelena couldn't believe that Y/N had taken such a risk for her, dropping her phone onto the floor Yelena moved forward and threw her arms around Y/N, burying her face in Y/N's shoulder. Y/N slid her phone into her pocket and wrapped her arm around Yelena, hugging her friend tightly. 

"Did you really think I would let you hideout in some questionable motel on the freeway?" Y/N asked with a gentle laugh. 

"You really shouldn't have risked coming here though" Yelena said her voice muffled against Y/N's jacket. 

"Well I'm here now and I don't intend on going home without you. So will you come back with me?" Y/N pulled back slightly and looked at Yelena. 

"If I don't then I run the risk of witchy threatening to turn me into a toad again don't i?" Yelena half smiled as she wiped her face again. 

"Mmmm she did mention something about dragging you back through a magic portal if you refused and trust me going through one of those is not a fun sensation" Y/N grinned as she gave Yelena a gentle nudge. 

"Yeah I think I'd rather avoid that and drive" Yelena nodded. 

"Okay good" Y/N said as she watched Yelena go and grab her stuff, "I'll load my bike into the back of your truck."


"Yeah" Y/N stopped and turned back to look at Yelena. 

"Is Kate okay?" Yelena asked her eyes looking down sadly. 

"Yeah Carol went to the apartment and found her, she's totally okay. Nat is there with them as well. She is just really worried about you. They're all going to meet us back at the house" Y/N explained as they began to walk across the parking lot. 

"So she isn't mad at me?" Yelena said as Y/N retrieved her bike and easily lifted it into the flatbed of Yelena's truck. 

"Surprisingly no, I mean if you'd done that to me I'd have been pretty pissed but she just wants you to come back" Y/N answered as she gestured for Yelena to give her the keys. 

"I can drive" Yelena frowned as she handed the keys to Y/N. 

"I'm not risking you deciding to drive off, no offence" Y/N teased as they both got in the truck. 

"You're really not funny Y/N" Yelena said rolling her eyes. 

"Pft I'm hilarious" Y/N grinned back at her, "Want to get slushies on the way back?"

"Yes of course" Yelena replied with a smile. 

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