Make No Mistake

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Wanda watched as Nat walked in with Ava, the team had been mid discussion, still debating over the fact they were choosing to trust her. They had faced worse odds before though Wanda had reminded them and they weren't going into this blind, they knew exactly who and what Ava was. 

"You ready to make the call to Ross?" Steve asked Ava breaking the awkward silence. 

"Moment I press this button, Ross will send his goons to get me. So I'd suggest we get away from here before I do it. Remember this needs to look believable otherwise Ross will sense that something is off" Ava replied as she gestured to the button on the wrist of her suit. 

"Take one of the SUV's from the garage, crash it about five miles from here, near to where you left your bike. I know Ross wanted to you to make a scene but sell it to him that you couldn't miss this opportunity of getting Wanda and Nat together without the rest of us being there" Steve explained, tossing a set of keys to Nat. 

Tony stepped forward and held his hand out, in his palm was one of the trackers that they as a team would normally wear inside their suits on missions. 

"I'll know if you try to ditch it or deactivate it and the consequences of that won't be good for you" Tony said firmly as Ava took the tracker from him. 

"An Avenger threatening me, nothing changes" Ava rolled her eyes as she fixed it to the inside of her mask, "Remember I've got just as much riding on this if Ross finds out that I'm lying to him, so I don't intend to fuck myself over." 

"There is something else that you all need to know, that Ava decided to kindly tell me five minutes ago. This facility that Ross has made, the reason we couldn't find it before is because it's not down here. It's up in space" Nat told the team, watching as all of their faces dropped slightly at the news. 

The idea of space and having to go up there, it wasn't something that filled the team with excitement, not after the things they'd had to deal with in past, from alien invasions to having to travel through space to deal with the infinity stones. None of them were exactly in a rush to spend any more time up there. 

"Okay now I feel bad for suggesting this plan" Yelena frowned from where she sat beside Daisy, "But I haven't ever been to space so a little excited about it." 

"You can't be serious about still going ahead with this, this adds a whole number of new complications" Clint stepped forward, concern written all over his face as he looked at Nat. 

"Look we've been over this so many times now, this is our best shot of getting Y/N back, even more so now. How would we ever get near the facility without doing it like this with Ava's help?" Nat posed the question to them all. 

Wanda could feel everyone's emotions in the room and knew that they were all valid emotions to be having, but for her, her only concern was getting Y/N back and if that meant putting herself in danger then she would. 

"Alright, let's pull it together, times slipping away and if we're doing this then we need to do it now. The moment we get the signal that you're inside we'll come up and join you" Steve told Nat and Wanda. 

"I sent an SOS to Carol and Thor too, hopefully at least one of them will be nearby to assist, since space is more their thing than ours" Nat said as she fidgeted with the set of car keys in her hand. 

With no further objections to the plan, everyone wished them luck and went to get ready for their eventual trip up to join them. Nat led the way toward the garage, glancing over her shoulder at Wanda who hadn't said too much. 

'Everything okay?' Nat asked in her head. 

'Yeah, I just want to get this over with. All I keep thinking about is how happy we were on the beach and just like that it was all taken away again. I'm scared that me and Y/N aren't ever meant to have our happily ever after' Wanda replied. 

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