Anger Management Issues

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Y/N grabbed a quick shower and threw on a fresh pair of jeans and a hoodie before going to look for Wanda. As she was walking down the corridor, Y/N noticed Yelena ducking into a room as if to avoid her. Unsure why Yelena wouldn't want to see her, Y/N pushed the door open and stepped inside, it was one of the many storage rooms in the compound and it looked like this one was filled with various parts of suits Tony had been working on. 

"Lena, I was expecting more of an excited welcome back from you or have I lost being number one on your list of favourite people to Daisy?" Y/N joked as she saw Yelena attempting to look busy going through a box. 

Leaning on one of the shelving units in the room, Y/N arched a brow as Yelena carried on going through the box, not making eye contact. Y/N had only ever seen Yelena this quiet during those first months after Lexa's funeral. 

"Have I done something to upset you? I'm sorry if I have" Y/N added, her frown deepening as Yelena turned away from her. 

Yelena had been doing her best to avoid seeing Y/N after her conversation with Clint on the roof. He had tried to reassure her that Y/N wouldn't blame her, but Yelena was blaming herself for what had happened and had been worried that the moment Y/N saw her she would know that it had been her fault. 

"Come on Yelena you're kind of freaking me out now, what's going on?" Y/N asked her concern growing that something wasn't right. 

"They didn't tell you did they?" Yelena finally spoke, her voice low as she nervously tugged on her sleeve. 

"You're going to have to give me more than that to go on. Tell me what?" Y/N tilted her head as she looked over at Yelena who finally turned round to look at her. 

"The mission... What happened to Sharon... It was my fault Y/N" Yelena admitted sadness and regret written across her face. 

Y/N was slightly taken aback by what Yelena said, confused as to how it could have been Yelena's fault when she hadn't even been there with them on the mission. As far as Y/N was aware it had only been Steve, Nat, Sam and Sharon that had gone. 

"How could it have been your fault Lena? You weren't even with them" Y/N tried to keep her emotions balanced as she spoke, but there was an anger slowly growing inside her. 

"Me and Daisy were here, Steve asked us to watch the footage that was being broadcasted from Sam's drone. Everything seemed to be going fine and I... I got distracted" Yelena began explaining the words rushing out, "I wasn't watching when it happened... If I had been then I would have seen the sniper and... and Sharon wouldn't have got hurt like she did." 

Hearing what Yelena was saying, Y/N tried to understand why she would have let herself get distracted from a mission. 

"Why were you distracted?" Y/N asked trying to keep her temper in check, but she could feel herself losing her grip on it as she stared at Yelena. 

"Daisy..." Yelena said simply, unsure what else she should say. 

Y/N couldn't believe it, Yelena had let herself get distracted by Daisy and that was what had led to Sharon being in the critical condition she was in right now. Seeing red, Y/N lunged forward and grabbed Yelena by the front of her shirt and slammed her into one of the shelving unit, sending boxes balancing on the top crashing to the ground around them. 

"You're telling me that Sharon nearly died because you were too busy making out with Daisy?! What the hell Yelena!!" Y/N yelled at her, uncontrollable anger raging through her. 

Yelena's eyes went wide in shock as Y/N grabbed her, she grunted in pain as her back slammed into the metal of the shelves. Brining her own arms up, Yelena gripped Y/N's arms and tried to pull them away but she couldn't equal Y/N's super soldier strength. 

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