You're New Here

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Y/N cursed under her breath as the soldiers threw her into the cell, not bothering to be gentle about it. They had removed the restraints from her moments before, leaving her left arm still very much dislocated as she hit the floor of the room. 

The door slammed shut, a series of clicks and beeps telling Y/N that they weren't taking any risks, whoever had designed this cell had clearly been told to make sure nobody, especially those with powers would be able to get out. 

Carefully sitting up, Y/N took hold of her left arm, wincing slightly as she moved it, angling it into position. Taking a deep breath, Y/N counted down in her head before then wrenching her arm back into the socket. She yelled out in pain, a few tears escaping from her eyes as she supported her arms against her chest. 

With her arm back in, Y/N finally took a look around the room. It was bare apart from a small bed in one corner and a chair in the other. Y/N was pretty sure actually prison cells were nicer than this, it was clear that Secretary Ross clearly wasn't interested in her comfort. 

"Would it have killed them include a shower, or maybe a colouring book to help pass the time" Y/N said to herself as she got to her feet. 

Y/N wasn't sure how long it had taken the soliders to bring her here, wherever here was, as soon as they'd reached their vehicles they'd put a hood over her head and shut her in the back of one of the trucks. If their aim had been to disorientate her then it had definitely worked. 

"Well this isn't the Raft, that much I do know. Guess Ross has been busy building his own superhero prison off the grid. Won't be getting a good review from me on Trip advisor" Y/N said as she paced around the small room. 

Noticing a small window in the door, Y/N made her way over. She wasn't able to see much due to the lack of lights on the other side, it looked like an empty corridor. On the wall though there was some writing 'Level 10 Maximum Security'. 

"Guess that's kind of flattering that they think I'm that dangerous they need to hold me in maximum security" Y/N said with a slight laugh, attempting to try and find some lightness in this situation. 

Y/N had just been about to turn away when a flickering caught her eye, at first she wasn't sure if it had been anything, maybe just a trick of the lights. Then it happened again and this time Y/N could make out the shape of someone moving outside. Squinting slightly, Y/N watched as the person became more visible, they moved in a way that made them appear to be both real and not at the same time. 

"Hey! Excuse me! Just want to say love the suit you've got, uh mind telling me where I am?" Y/N raised her voice, having no idea whether the person could hear her through the door or not. 

The person stopped for a moment, tilting their head curiously toward the cell door. As they stood still Y/N was able to see them completely, the flickering shadows stopped moving around them. 

"Look I'm not expecting you to break me out or anything, but I mean can you at least tell me what this place is?" Y/N knew the likelihood of the stranger helping her was slim but it was worth a shot right now. 

"You're new here" The person said their voice curious, "You must be the one Ross was obsessing over, Y/N Maximoff, the rogue avenger, right?" 

It shouldn't have been much of a shock that the stranger knew who she was, after all her face had been plastered over every news station for the last two days. Even so Y/N was slightly taken aback at the rogue avenger comment. 

"I mean yes that's me but I'm not really a rogue avenger, I am an avenger. My past is a little bit complicated but all that bad stuff they said I did, well I wasn't really myself then. Kind of had this whole brain washing thing happen to me, it's a long story but bad guys injected me with a super soldier serum and scrambled my brains, in order to get me to do their dirty work. What I'm trying to say is that I don't belong in here, I'm not a criminal" Y/N tried to explain, not really knowing why she felt the need to explain herself to this stranger. 

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