Fighting With Friends

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"Damn it Y/N" Nat muttered as she moved forward, quickly then side stepping the fist that came flying toward her from Y/N. 

The hanger was in complete chaos, the flames from the exploded jet were spreading rapidly, the blaring alarm sound was still going and soldiers were rushing around with no coherency. Y/N had done a good job at causing absolute mayhem since getting out of the cell. 

"You're so pulling your punches Widow, I get she's your bestie but right now she's about to send this place crashing down to earth!" Ava shouted as she phased to dodge Y/N grabbing hold of her. 

Nat rolled her eyes, not responding to Ava, instead keeping her focus on Y/N who was showing no signs of realising who she was fighting against. To her left Nat saw that Wanda was dealing with holding back a large group of soldiers who had finally realised that they had escaped from the jet they'd been held on. 

"Y/N, you know what's about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this?" Nat asked as she flicked the switch on her tasers, sparking them to life, she was trying to give Y/N a chance to stop, to realise what she was doing. 

Y/N's violet eyes reflected the flashes of electricity from the tasers, it triggered the memory of the pain that had been inflicted on her by Ross's men, sending her down further into the blackout and the rage. 

Noticing a shift in the air to her right, Y/N moved with cat like reflexes, her arm shooting out and grabbing hold of Ava by her throat before she had a chance to phase away from her. 

"Guess our budding friendship has hit a bump in the road" Ava gasped slightly as Y/N's hand tightened around her throat. 

Nat took the opportunity of Y/N being distracted and rushed toward her, she lifted the taser and aimed for a clear strike, that should have landed against Y/N's left shoulder, but as Nat brought it down, Y/N's head turned toward her. Without letting go of Ava, Y/N lifted her free hand and grabbed hold of the taser, not even flinching as the volts ran down her arm. 

Y/N dropped Ava to the floor, turning her full attention to Nat, with ease she wrenched the taser from Nat's grip and tossed it away. Nat knew that Y/N was able to withstand a lot due to the super soldier serum and the after effects of being infected by the power stone, but this was beyond anything Nat had seen Y/N do since being back with the Avengers. There was no way Y/N should have been able to ignored the strenght of the volts from the taser like that. 

"Ava please tell me you've contacted the others" Nat said as she took a step back, trying to create more space between her and Y/N. 

"Yep don't worry I sent the we're fucked signal to them" Ava nodded as she struggled up onto her feet. 

Wanda used her magic to create a dome that fell over her and the other three, blocking out the soldiers that were trying to attack them. Happy that it would buy them some more time, Wanda spun around to assess the situation with Y/N. As she did, Wanda watched Y/N send Nat flying into a stack of metal containers. 

"Y/N that is enough!" Wanda said firmly as she strode toward her, her eyes a dark crimson as she summoned her magic again. 

"Oh you're in trouble now Y/N, never good having an angry Mrs" Ava said as she wiped blood from her nose. 


"How many times did I say this was a bad plan?" Clint asked as he looked over at Steve and tony from where he was sat in the cockpit of the quinjet. 

Tony sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he watched the monitors, they had at least another thirty minutes before they would reach the coordinates that Ava's tracker had sent. They didn't have much to go on other than an extremely static message from Ava, which had said something along the lines of 'It's all gone to shit'. 

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