Take The Risk

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When they had got back to the compound, Steve, Nat and Yelena had been waiting outside for them. Steve had immediately gone with Tony to take Ava down to one of the holding cells in the lower level of the compound. Leaving Wanda to answer the numerous questions that Yelena had about the new arrival. 

"So do we actually think she knows where Y/N is? Or is this some weirdly elaborate plot by Ross to plant a mole in the compound?" Yelena asked as the three of them headed down to meet with Tony and Steve.

"I don't know, possibly, but the memory she showed me it seemed genuine. Which means she does know where Y/N is. My concern is that this part isn't the trap, it would be Ava taking us somewhere and Ross being ready and waiting with his mini army" Wanda replied as they walked down the stairs. 

"Which is something Ross would definitely try and do. He knows he can't come onto the grounds of the compound so luring us out would make sense" Nat agreed as she pressed her palm onto the scanner unlocking the door. 

Tony and Steve were stood at the far end, along each side were a series of cells, each had been designed with various Avengers in mind, in case for whatever reason they became a risk. It had started with concerns for Bruce when he had been struggling to contain the Hulk. 

"So I had FRIDAY do a full search on our new guest, turns out she used to work for SHIELD, is known as Ghost and had a run in with Scott and Hope a little while back. Which probably means she isn't a big fan of ours, hence allying with Ross" Tony told them as they approached. 

"I remember hearing stories about the Ghost when I was with SHIELD. Fury was always cagey when I'd ask about it, no surprise there though" Nat added as she looked at the files on the screen. 

Wanda didn't bother with looking at the files, instead her attention was fixed on the cell to her left where the still unconscious Ava had been put. For days now they had been coming up with nothing, even with Sharon's information from her contacts and then this, Wanda didn't want to get her hopes up but this might be there only chance to find Y/N. 

"The only way we're going to find anything else out is by asking Ava. Wanda care to do the honours?" Steve said gesturing toward Ava. 

Nodding, Wanda stepped forward letting her magic bounce between her fingers before releasing it through the reinforced glass of the cell, connecting with Ava. A few moments later, Ava's eyes flew open and she gasped for air as she sat up. 

"Oh great, just fucking great" Ava muttered as she realised that she was now the one trapped in a box, she would definitely give Y/N shit for this.  

Standing up, Ava glared at the five people standing on the other side of the glass. Fighting the Avengers had been something Ava had expected, but being trapped by them hadn't actually crossed her mind. 

"Miss Starr nice of you to join us, I hope you enjoyed that little power nap" Tony said as he stepped forward. 

"Not exactly how I'd imagine you treating someone who knows where your beloved Y/N is. Honestly though I don't get your obsession with her, she's annoying as hell and doesn't shut up" Ava responded as she tried to use her powers but realised that these cells must have been fitted with the same power dampeners that Ross had in his facility. 

"Yeah sorry but you're not going to be able to do that funky little magic trick of yours and phase out this one" Tony said with a slight smirk. 

"Lets just cut to the point, where is Y/N?" Nat asked growing impatient, she had let her best friend down and was desperate to fix the situation. 

"I'm not going to tell you that am I? The moment I tell you, you're just going to leave me stuck in here which obviously is not on my top list of places to be" Ava replied as she walked over to the glass wall, glancing at each of them. 

"Why the hell did you come here then if you aren't going to tell us?" Yelena spoke now, annoyed already by the other woman. 

"Calm down Russian Blondie, I said I wouldn't tell you, not that I wouldn't show you where Y/N is" Ava rolled her eyes at how over emotional they all were being about it. 

Wanda stood quietly letting the others talk, whilst Ava was distracted, she was busy looking into her mind. She saw a number of other memories with Y/N in, it would appear that Y/N had actually been actively trying to annoy Ava, but in such a way as to try and win her over to being better. 

"So you take us there and what Ross is ready with handcuffs and a cell for all of us? Doesn't seem like a great plan to me" Nat said folding her arms. 

"Ross sent me here on a mission, to get you and her" Ava pointed at Nat and then Wanda, "He wants to turn the public against you like he did with Y/N. Have me cause some kind of scene injuring civilians but making it look like you two did it. But for some stupid reason I decided to listen to Y/N and come here to find you and not do that."

"Why should we trust you?" Steve asked coming to stand beside Wanda and Nat. 

"I never said you should, but if you want Y/N back then it would appear I am your only option right now" Ava shrugged, "Witch you can search my mind as much as you want, you won't find the location that way, it's constantly moving."

Wanda had told hold back from using her magic to knock Ava out again as she glared at her. It was only Nat taking hold of her arm and pulling her away that stopped Wanda from lashing out. They all moved away from the cell, Tony activated the silence mode, so that Ava wouldn't be able to hear their conversation. 

"So what do we think? Do we believe her" Steve asked them as they stood in a circle. 

"She definitely knows where Y/N is, she's got multiple memories of Y/N" Wanda told them. 

"But it's not like we can all go storming in there, if we do that then we're playing right in Ross's hand and he can use that to manipulate the public's view on us. The Avengers breakout a terrorist, not exactly a flattering headline" Nat said as she looked between them. 

"This is probably going to be an unpopular plan, but Ava was sent here to get Nat and Wanda. So what if we let her take you two, play along with the idea that Ross is getting what he wants. Then from the inside you get Y/N and break the hell out of there, Ava clearly knows how to get in and out of there" Yelena suggested and immediately saw both Tony and Steve look alarmed by the idea. 

"Absolutely not, we cannot take the risk. We could end up with all three of us permanently locked up, there's no saying that Ava will hold up her end of that deal and help them get out" Tony shook his head. 

"I'm with Tony on this, we would be putting you both in a lot of danger with no sure way of knowing it's going to work" Steve added. 

"I'm willing to take the risk" Nat said, "We don't have a whole lot of other options and Yelena is right, if we all go storming in there then it won't end well. At least this way the whole team isn't jeopardized." 

"We can handle this Tony" Wanda spoke with determination in her voice. 

Tony sighed, he knew there would be no convincing Wanda or Nat out of this and part of him knew that without Ava they weren't likely to be able to find out where Ross was holding Y/N. He had clearly gone to great lengths to ensure the security of this place. 

"Fine, but we plan this meticulously, we have back up plans for our back up plans I'm not having this team torn apart by that asshole" Tony said after a few moments. 

"Deal but let's make it quick before Ross realises that his Ghost is missing" Nat said nodding toward the cell. 

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