There For You

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Being back in the city had given Yelena and Kate a lot of time to get to know one another without having to worry about any sudden interruptions from other members of the team, or deal with Nat's clear disapproval. They hadn't been in the apartment for longer than five minutes when Kate had started stumbling over her words awkwardly trying to bring up the kiss and attempting to give Yelena an out if it hadn't meant anything really. 

Yelena had found it impossible not to adore how cute Kate was when she was nervous. After letting Kate go on for a solid five minutes without interruption, Yelena had just responded by kissing Kate again. That first week in the apartment they spent many hours wrapped up in the bedsheets together, temporarily forgetting about the mission. 

It had been hard for Yelena to remember the last time she had felt this relaxed, for months now she had filled every moment of her time with being busy, trying to avoid having any downtime that would lead to her having to face all the things she had been burying inside. Being around Kate it was just easy, there was something about the other woman that just allowed her to let her walls down. 

Yelena sensed movement beside her and then could feel the warmth on the sunlight spilling through the window onto the bed as the curtains were pulled open. Grabbing the edge of the sheet, Yelena pulled it up covering her head, she wasn't quite ready to be awake, especially since there hadn't exactly been a lot of sleeping happening last night. 

"Got room under there for another? Kate laughed as she slipped back into bed. 

"Only if you are intending on going back to sleep" Yelena answered as she slowly turned over so she was facing Kate, who smiled brightly at her as she joined her under the sheet. 

"Come on it's so beautiful out today, we can't spend all day in bed" Kate said as she laid on her side, propping herself  up on her arm. 

"You don't want to spend all day in bed with me?" Yelena arched a brow, a playful smirk tugging at the edge of her lips. 

Kate laughed softly before leaning in and kissing Yelena. 

"We're going to end up getting in trouble if we don't actually start following some leads" Kate said as she let her fingers trail lightly over the bare skin of Yelena's stomach. 

"Okay, but you aren't carrying that bow around the city with you, it makes you stick out like a sore thumb" Yelena teased as she caught Kate's hand and laced their fingers together. 

"You're going to give me a gun?!" Kate asked wide eyed. 

"No Kate Bishop that is not what I said and I am not trusting you with a gun. Clint gave me one of his collapsible bows, you can have that" Yelena laughed shaking her head, "Now I need a shower if we're going out."

"Want company?" Kate asked with a smile. 

"If I said no would that stop you from invading my shower?" Yelena asked laughing softly as she sat up, pushing the sheets off. 

"Probably not" Kate laughed as she got up from the bed. 

"Come on then" Yelena said as she headed toward the ensuite. 


They both sat on the roof of the building across the street from the coordinates that Nat had sent through to them. From research this was apparently where the tracksuit mafia had moved their operations after Clint and Nat had taken out their last place, when they'd been here a few weeks ago. 

Yelena shifted slightly and adjusted the sights on her mask as she scanned the area, trying to figure out a rough number of how many people were currently there. Next to her, Kate was scanning through the files on her phone, all of it was information relating to the bounty on Y/N Wanda and Nat. 

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