You Have A Choice

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Groaning in pain, Y/N rolled onto her back. The soldiers had tossed her back into the cell, laughing as they slammed the door closed behind them. Y/N could feel the rage building up inside of her, but here it would be no use to her, there was no way out. Carefully sitting up, Y/N lifted up her shirt, wincing as she saw the ugly bruises and burns caused by the high voltage tasers scatters across her abdomen and sides. 

"Assholes" Y/N muttered as she dropped her shirt, her healing powers would eventually make the marks disappear but it didn't mean she was immune from feeling the pain in the mean time. 

Y/N didn't know how but she would make sure that Ross paid for what he had done to her. She wished there was a way she could warn the others about what he was planning, the last thing she wanted was for any of them to have to suffer like this. 

There didn't seem to be a way out though, Y/N had spent the countless hours in her cell trying to figure a way to get out. The problem was she had no idea where exactly she was, so even if she managed to find a way to get out of the cell, she had no clue what would be waiting for her in this facility. Whilst her odds were good for being able to take out the soliders she had seen, there was no telling how many others there could be and what sort of weapons they might have. 

"You're not looking so good Y/N" 

Hearing the voice, Y/N cursed under her breath, as if it hadn't been bad enough having Ross talk crap to her, now Ava had decided to come and twist the knife in a little deeper. Y/N was not in the mood for this. 

"Shouldn't you be out being a good little puppet and doing what your master tells you to do?" Y/N replied looking up from where she was sat on the floor to see Ava standing on the other side of the door. 

Ava studied Y/N for a moment, she was still trying to figure out what it was about Y/N that had made her start to doubt her choice siding with Ross. Maybe it was knowing now everything that Y/N had been through and that she still seemed to have hope in the world and faith in people, she hadn't become bitter and didn't appear to crave revenge against those that had wronged her. 

"I thought I should ask if there is anything you'd like me to tell the little witch or the widow when I see them, since you won't ever see them again. You really should have taken more time to consider Ross's offer" Ava said with a slight shrug, knowing this would get under Y/N's skin. 

Glaring at Ava, Y/N struggled up onto her feet and walked over to the door, coming face to face with Ava through the glass panel on the cell door. The thought of Ava hurting Wanda or Nat made her blood boil. 

"If you touch them, I will make you suffer for it and believe me I will make it slow" Y/N snarled at her. 

"From where I'm standing that is pretty much an empty threat, you're trapped in an unbreakable cage. There is nothing you can do to stop me from getting to them, you're useless" Ava shot back with a smirk. 

Y/N could feel herself losing the grip she had on the rage growing inside of her as Ava spoke. The most important people in her life were in danger and she couldn't do anything to help them. She had promised Wanda that she would protect her and now she was failing at keeping that promise. 

"You have a choice" Y/N said her violet eyes fixing on Ava, "You can either carry on being used by men in power to cause pain and suffering, or you could chose to be better, to turn the horrific incident that happened to you into something good. I don't think you want to be this person that you're trying so hard to be. Bad things happen to people all the time Ava, it doesn't mean you have to let those bad things be what defines you."

Ava considered Y/N's words and then slowly shook her head, a sadness creeping across her face. 

"There is no choice for me. If I don't do this then Ross will just have me locked up like you, or worse he'll have me killed. Not everyone is like you Y/N, we don't all have lovers and friends who will fight to protect us. I'm alone, I always have been and always will be" Ava replied, her body flickering out of focus around her. 

"You don't have to be alone Ava, that's again a choice you are making. I can help you, just find a way to get me the hell out of this damn box" Y/N said gesturing at the cell. 

"Helping a terrorist escape custody, sure that definitely sounds like it would solve all my problems right now" Ava rolled her eyes. 

"Being a sarcastic bitch probably won't help you either but you seem to be doing that" Y/N countered with a smirk. 

Ava glanced down the hall, she knew that Ross would be expecting her to leave soon. The longer she spent talking to Y/N the more likely he was to become suspicious, she was taking a risk being here. When Ross had found her she had been so angry at the avengers that she had never really considered the consequences of siding with a man like him. 

"Fine don't get me out of here, but do the next best thing, find my friends and tell them where I am and they'll do it. Since you're too much of a coward to help me" Y/N said with a small shrug. 

"Has anyone ever told you that you're extremely irritating?" Ava asked not taking kindly to being called a coward. 

"Mmm I think you'll find it's part of my charm. I mean clearly you must find me slightly charming otherwise you wouldn't still be stood here talking to me" Y/N said with a slight laugh, ignoring the shooting pain in her side. 

"How do I get into the compound?" Ava asked ignoring Y/N's comment. 

Y/N laughed again shaking her head at Ava. 

"Really, you think I'm just going to tell you how to get in so you can hurt the people I love? Come one Ava you can't really be that stupid" Y/N said as she looked back at Ava. 

"Look if you don't tell me then I'll go with Ross's plan and that means causing quite the scene that can be blamed on your friends, meaning the whole world will then see the Avengers as a threat rather than their saviours. Or I can do something that might mean you see the outside world again and the red head you adore so much" Ava explained, again nervously glancing down the corridor, knowing soon Ross would send the guards to find out what was taking her so long. 

Y/N frowned slightly, she wasn't sure if she could really trust Ava. There was every chance that she was lying right now and that this was all a ruse just to get Y/N to tell her how to get into the compound so that Ross could arrest all the Avengers. Equally maybe Ava's outer shell was cracking slightly and she was considering helping. 

"There's a lake, it's right at the edge of the compound. You won't be able to breach the perimeter without setting off the alarms. But if you get there, just think loudly, Wanda will hear you and then she'll get you inside if they decide to trust you" Y/N told her, knowing this was one of the biggest risks. 

"She'll hear me? What makes you think your wife won't just go on the attack? Why would she trust me?" Ava asked. 

"Wanda can hear peoples thoughts, see into their minds, it's just one of the many powers she has. That's why she'll be able to sense you from the lake. She'll believe you because she will see this memory and know that you know where I am" Y/N explained, "So Wanda when you see this, I love you and give Ava a chance. She's a bit of a bitch but I think you can trust her." 

"Not sure that last part was needed" Ava said as she stepped away from the cell door, reaching to unclip her mask from her side. 

"Well you're sarcastic and been a bit of a bitch to me, so I think it's pretty valid" Y/N said with a lopsided grin. 

The sound of a door opening at the end of the corridor had Ava snap round, the guards she had been expecting had finally turned up. Glancing back at Y/N she gave her a wink before putting the mask on. 

"Ghost, times up. Ross wants you out in the field now" One of the guards called out. 

"Keep your pants on Jerry, I was just leaving. The prisoner has given me everything I need, the Avengers won't know what hit them" Ava responded as she stalked down the corridor, her form again flickering around her as she moved. 

Y/N watched from the cell door as Ava disappeared out of sight. Had she just been tricked or would Ava help? The thought was going to weigh heavy on Y/N's mind and there was every chance she wouldn't ever find out the answer. 

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