Too Late Now

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There was a light snowfall coating the streets of the city as Yelena walked through them, she blended in with the crowds of people out doing their last minute christmas shopping. It provided her easy cover to follow her mark, Kate Bishop. 

For the last two days Yelena had kept a watch from a distance just like Natasha had asked her to do, though there had been a couple of occasions that she had nearly gone up and spoken to Kate. Especially the day she'd realised that Kate had a very lovely dog. 

Pretending to answer her phone as Kate stopped outside a shop and looked over her shoulder, Yelena wondered what exactly it was that this girl had got herself caught up in. Nat had kept the details vague, just telling Yelena to keep an eye out for any trouble that might happen as a fallout of whatever it was her and Clint had been up to. 

There hadn't been any signs of anything out of the ordinary though and Yelena had to admit she again didn't understand why she was acting as a secret bodyguard, but it gave her something to do instead of being stuck in the compound. 

Yelena carried on walking and keeping an eye on Kate Bishop. After a couple of hours Kate returned to her apartment, which Yelena had seen was in need of a number of repairs from whatever the hell had happened to it. 

Climbing up the fire escape on the building opposite, Yelena returned to the spot she had set up when she'd first got into the city and had located Kate's apartment building. From here she had the perfect vantage point, she could see anyone coming or going and had a good line of sight into the main area of Kate's apartment. 

The phone in her pocket buzzed and Yelena sat down on the rooftop before sliding it out of her pocket to see who it was. A smile danced across her lips when she opened the message and it was a picture of Y/N holding a box of mac'n'cheese that she had very clearly stuck a label on that said 'Not for Yelena!'. 

'You better have a good hiding spot for that, you loser x' 

Yelena hit the send button before putting the phone away. The fact that Y/N was doing so well was such a huge relief, Yelena had thought she'd been on the verge of losing her best friend and it had been difficult to see that. Now though Y/N seemed to be doing everything she could to work on herself. 

There had only been one blackout incident since returning from space and that had been triggered in a therapy session with Dr Raynor, but Y/N had managed to push herself out of it before causing any damage, which was a huge improvement. 

The sound of tyres screeching to a stop pulled Yelena's attention back to the street below and she noted the removal van that had parked itself outside the entrance to Kate's apartment. Yelena figured that made some sense, maybe she was clearing some stuff out before fixing the place up. 

Rummaging in the bag that she had stashed on the rooftop, Yelena pulled out a granola bar that was in there and proceeded to rip the packaging open and take a bite. 

"It's dry, it's really dry" Yelena muttered to herself but carried on eating it as she hadn't had a chance to grab anything else whilst trailing Kate earlier. 

The fire escape door suddenly slammed open and two guys stumbled through it, interestingly dressed in very questionable tracksuits. Yelena moved quickly grabbing the mask from her bag and pulling it on as she jumped up onto her feet. As she did the noise of fighting and shouting came from across the way in Kate's apartment. 

"Sorry but this rooftop is currently occupied" Yelena said to the men as they scrambled to pull out guns from the waistband of their tracksuits. 

Rolling her eyes behind the mask, Yelena let her years of training takeover and launched herself forward toward the two men. With a few well timed moves, Yelena managed to disarm the man closest to her and spun around using him as a shield as the other guy tried shooting at her, instead the shot hit the first guy in the leg, causing him to scream out in pain. 

Letting him fall to the floor, Yelena moved and kicked the gun from the other guys hand before running at him, using the momentum she jumped up and brought her knee smashing into his face. As he stumbled backwards, Yelena engaged the taser around her wrist and shot it straight into his chest. 

Breathing heavily, Yelena walked back over to the the edge of the rooftop to see what was happening in Kate's apartment. Oddly the place was in darkness and there didn't look like there was anyone in there now. 

"Damn it" Yelena sighed thinking that the other men had managed to take Kate. 

"Don't move!" a female voice said from behind Yelena. 

Slowly turning around, Yelena pulled off the mask she had been wearing and let her green eyes settle on Kate Bishop who was stood on the other side of the rooftop with her bow draw, the arrow pointing directly at Yelena. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Yelena said with a shake of her head. 

"Who are you?" Kate asked still keeping the bow drawn and aimed at the blonde woman. 

"I'm Natasha Romanoff's sister" Yelena replied, "You can stop pretending like you're not surprised. It does not look cool."

Kate very slowly lowered her bow, this last week had been a whirlwind for her, not only had she met Clint Barton a man she had idolised since a kid but she had then met Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow. It had been crazy, so really it shouldn't have been a shock to meet someone else linked to the Avengers but she hadn't known that Natasha had a sister. 

"You're really Natasha's sister?" Kate frowned a little as she looked at Yelena. 

"Yes really. I'm Yelena, the cooler sister" Yelena smiled as she grabbed her bag from the floor, knowing there was no chance that Kate was going to shoot an arrow at her. 

"W-why are you here?" Kate asked as she put the arrow away. 

"You ask a lot of questions Kate Bishop. Here isn't the place to have a girl chat though, these guys will wake up soon" Yelena told her as she walked toward the fire escape door. 

Well so much for not interacting like Nat had asked. Too late now, Yelena thought to herself not that she was particularly mad about it. Stopping in the doorway, yelena looked over at her shoulder at where Kate was still stood on the rooftop. 

"Are you going to stand there all night?" Yelena asked slightly amused at the confused look on Kate's face. 

"No" Kate replied defensively as she slung her bow over her shoulder. 

"Well good, you would probably get frostbite, it's very cold" Yelena nodded as she headed down the stairs, knowing that Kate would follow her. 

"Hey, wait up. So are you like a trained assassin too? Also where are we going to go?" Kate rushed down the stairs to catch up with Yelena. 

"Again with all the questions" Yelena teased slightly, "But yes I am also Black Widow like my sister and we're going to go to my friends apartment. Then we'll have to figure out what to do, clearly it's not safe here for you." 

Kate tried to keep her face neutral wanting to try and play it cool and not give away how shocked she was that there was more than one Black Widow. Really after the week she'd had, Kate hadn't expected anything else to surprise her, but clearly that had been proven wrong by the events of tonight. 

"Hang on, why were you up on the rooftop tonight?" Kate knew she was asking a lot of questions but she couldn't help it, her mind was going a hundred miles an hour. 

"Babysitting and clearly it was a good thing that I was, otherwise you'd probably be in a lot of trouble" Yelena said as they stepped out onto the street. 

"Um actually I was totally handling things" Kate said frowning again. 

"Whatever you say Kate Bishop" Yelena smiled slightly starting to head in the direction of Y/N's apartment, which was thankfully only a few blocks aways. 

"Wait, I need to go and get my dog!" Kate reached out and grabbed Yelena's arm, immediately regretting it as Yelena turned and raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Fine, go and get the dog, be quick" Yelena said as she moved a step back, aways from Kate's touch. 

Kate turned and ran across the road and back into her apartment building, cursing herself for how uncool she was making herself look in front of yet another Avenger. 

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