Take Them Out

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Yelena grabbed hold of Kate and dragged her down to the ground, using her body to shield her as bullets flew past them. Clearly these guys were taking the whole bounty hunting to another level, attacking them in a hospital. Glass from a light fell on them as a stray bullet collided with it, Yelena winced slightly as it cut her cheek. 

Eight men had entered the hospital floor, all of them armed with semi-automatic rifles and it appeared that they weren't too bothered about what or who got hit as they advanced forward. Y/N could see Yelena and Kate, they were stuck half way up the hallway, between where the men had entered and the waiting room the rest of them were in. 

"Darling give me a shield" Y/N said as she glared at the men coming toward them. 

"Y/N don't.." Nat tried to stop her but Y/N was already storming up the hallway. 

Wanda took a deep breath and summoned her magic, letting it flow from her hands, a wall of red wrapped itself around Y/N, deflecting the sudden rush of bullets that were aimed at her as she appeared from the waiting room. The attention of the gunmen diverted from Yelena and Kate.

"Go, help Y/N" Wanda said looking over at the other three as her eyes glowed a deep red. 

"Carol, keep the powers to a minimum, there are a number of things on this floor that will cause one hell of an explosion if you hit them" Nat said to her girlfriend, the last thing they needed was to be responsible for blowing up half of a hospital. 

"Got it babe, dial the powers down, no problem" Carol nodded as they all made their way into the hallway, leaving Wanda and Dr Palmer in the waiting room. 

Reaching Kate and Yelena, Y/N grabbed hold of the pair of them and pulled them to their feet as the shield Wanda had cast wrapped around them. She heard the group of men yelling at each other in Russian as they realised their bullets weren't doing anything. 

"Both of you get to Wanda and get the hell out of here" Y/N told them as she glanced at the men, counting how many there were and how long it would take her to incapacitate them. 

"Y/N that is a bad plan, you are not doing this alone" Yelena argued back, "Though yes Kate, go to Wanda, that part of the plan is good." 

"Do I get a say in this?" Kate asked with a frown. 

Both Y/N and Yelena replied with No at the same time. 

Knowing when not to push the subject, Kate turned and headed back to the other end of the hallway as Nat, Carol and Ava were approaching. After messing up the mission with Yelena, Kate knew that for now it was probably best she kept out of the way and let the real Avengers handle this. 

"Neither of you are good at coming up with plans" Nat said with a slight grin as she stood beside them. 

"Oh yes I forgot, Natasha Romanoff top of the making plan class in the Red Room" Yelena responded sarcastically as she took the gun Nat offered her and slotted it into the holster on her thigh. 

"Lets just make this quick, I'm getting bored already" Ava interrupted as she fixed her mask in place, her body flickering. 

"I'm sorry are we keeping you from being somewhere else?" Y/N shot back at Ava. 

"Yeah actually, I'm missing the new series of real house wives for this" Ava replied sarcastically as they all turned to face the gunmen. 

'Let the barrier down love' Y/N used her connection to Wanda to let them know they were ready.

"Right let's make these guys regret showing up here" Y/N said with a smirk, she was eager to fight, it had been awhile, being shut out of missions for so long had been frustrating. 

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