It's Nearly Christmas

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Yelena had lost count of the amount of questions that Kate Bishop had asked her before they had reached Y/N's old apartment. Some of them Yelena had answered and others she had simply given the other woman a look putting a swift stop to whatever it was she had been trying to ask her. 

"Are those knives in the wall?" Kate asked with a raised brow as she turned back to look at Yelena once they'd entered the apartment. 

"Mmm yes they are, the previous person who was living here was going through some anger problems for short time" Yelena nodded as she patted the dog on the head. 

"So, so that's blood then?" Kate pointed at the stain on the wall not too far from where the knives were embedded. 

Yelena shook her head with a small laugh. 

"Ah no, that is wasted hot sauce. Clearly someone didn't have as good reflexes as me when the person threw it at them" Yelena answered as she moved to sit down on the couch, putting her feet up on the coffee table.

Looking at her cell phone Yelena debated sending Nat a message to let her know what had happened, no doubt her sister would be unhappy about the fact that she had broken the rule about not interacting with Kate Bishop. In her defence though, Kate had been the one to come up onto the rooftop and find her first. 

There were only a couple of days until Christmas now and Yelena hadn't planned on taking in two strays, not when the teams plan was to all be at Y/N's and Wanda's new home for the festive celebrations. With what had just happened though it seemed clear that Kate Bishop was still someones target here in the city. 

"Yelena, are you going to tell me why you were really on the roof tonight?" Kate moved to sit down on the couch opposite the one that Yelena was sat on. 

"I already answered that one, babysitting" Yelena said as Kate's dog jumped up and curled up beside her. 

"Well yeah but why? I mean I though Clint and Nat had taken care of the problem before they left, they said I would be fine here" Kate frowned slightly, folding her arms across her chest. 

"Nat asked me to keep an eye on you, to make sure there wasn't any trouble. Clearly good thing I had been keeping a track of you, otherwise you'd probably be tied up in some warehouse somewhere with those questionably dressed guys" Yelena answered as she rested her cellphone on the arm of the couch. 

Kate really had thought that after Clint and Natasha had left that her life would go back to being slightly more normal, not that she had wanted that, in some ways Kate had wished that she'd been invited back with Clint and Natasha to the Avengers place.

 All her life she had idolised the Avengers, especially Clint and had wanted to be just like them, when she'd had a the chance to over the last couple of weeks it had been amazing. But when it was over or supposedly over both Clint and Natasha had told her this wasn't the life she wanted really, that being an Avengers was not something to aspire to be really, not when there was so much suffering and paid that came with it. 

Now though seeing Yelena, who looked like she was similar in age to herself, Kate was even more determined that she too could really be an Avenger. She just needed to be given a proper chance to prove herself to them. 

"You're oddly quiet Kate Bishop, are you okay?" Yelena asked concerned at the sudden quietness from her. 

"Oh yeah, totally. I just, I mean how did you become an Avenger?" Kate responded, pulling herself out of her thoughts and focusing on Yelena. 

"Well I was abducted as a child, brainwashed with chemicals and pretty much tortured, then I was relentlessly trained to kill by bad people without asking question. Then someone created a serum to break the chemical subjugation, that's when I reconnected with Natasha and my sort of family to takedown the people that had done this to us and free all the Black Widows in the world. After that a lot more bad stuff happened but eventually I found myself back here with Natasha and the Avengers" Yelena explained nonchalantly, as if it was all perfectly normal. 

Kate's eyes went wide as she listened to Yelena's answer, it had not exactly been what she was expecting to hear. She hadn't thought about the idea that some of the Avengers might not have had a choice in becoming who they were, not like how she had chosen to train in anything and everything she could to become a fighter since the death of her father. 

"I'm sorry that happened to you it sounds awful" Kate said quietly her eyes dropping from looking at Yelena. 

"It was but it is the past and I try not to live in that. Things are better now, I have a dysfunctional but good family here" Yelena shrugged a little, she had long since put to rest her past as a Widow for the Red Room. 

"Um so do you want to get some food? I know a great pizza delivery place not too far from here?" Kate changed the subject not wanting to pry into Yelena's personal life any further, they'd only known each other for a few hours after all though Kate couldn't deny being completely fascinated by the blonde haired woman. 

Yelena stretched and stood up careful to not disturb the sleeping dog. 

"Look I would love to stay and carry on this girls night but I have places to be. So you stay here, don't go outside or answer the door to strangers. I'll come back in a few days" Yelena said as she grabbed her coat from the back of the chair she had put it on earlier. 

Kate scrambled up to her feet and moved to stand in front of the door of the apartment. 

"Hold up, you are just going to leave me here? seriously?" Kate shook her head, "It's nearly christmas and you want me to just stay in this apartment on my own?" 

Yelena hadn't expected the idea to be such an issue, she'd thought that Kate would have been happy to have somewhere safe to stay for a little while. Plus this way Natasha wouldn't need to know what things had gone slightly off plan if she just left Kate here and dealt with the issue in a few days instead of right now. 

"It's a nice apartment, there is plenty of food here. I stocked up on boxed mac'n'cheese the other day" Yelena said as she retrieved her car keys from the kitchen counter, "I'll be back to sort out your mess before you know it."

"Yelena I am not spending Christmas stuck here, if you're leaving then so am I and i'll take the risk of the tracksuit guys finding me again whilst you aren't here" Kate said with an air of stubborness as she kept her arms crossed and looked at Yelena. 

Nat had left out the part about Kate Bishop being so determined and stubborn when she had given her the files and mission brief back at the compound. Knowing that Kate wasn't likely to stay in the apartment complicated matters, Yelena wouldn't be able to forgive herself if Kate got into a dangerous situation whilst she wasn't here. 

With a sigh of defeat Yelena took her cellphone back out of her pocket. 

'Hello Home Depot. Can I bring a plus one to Christmas at the new house?'

'Hey Lena, of course you can. Have you and Daisy sorted things out then?'

'No. It's someone else but please don't tell Nat she's not going to be happy'

'It'll cost you a box of sour patch watermelons for my silence, but I'm sure Nat would be happy for you if you've met someone new Lena' 

'Your silence is far too easy to buy Y/N, but fine. It's a bit complicated. I'll be at yours in a couple of hours and explain it all then'

Kate stood quietly her dark brown eyes fixed on Yelena who was messaging someone on her phone. She wondered who it was, maybe it was Nat or Clint, or one of the other Avengers. 

"Fine Kate Bishop you can come with me for Christmas, but then after that I will be returning you here whilst I sort out the mess you're in. Okay?" Yelena said her attention back on Kate after finishing the text conversation she had been having. 

"I'm spending Christmas with the Avengers!" Kate exclaimed, pure excitement lighting up her face. 

"We need to work on the whole playing it cool thing" Yelena said with a slight eyeroll, though she couldn't deny it to herself just how cute Kate looked when she was smiling so brightly. 

"Right yeah of course, I totally won't embarrass you at all, promise" Kate nodded as she got her own coat and got her dogs leash. 

"Please don't kill me Natasha" Yelena muttered under her breath before they left the apartment and headed down to the parking garage. 

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