Bruised and Broken

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Y/N's eyes opened slowly, bright light shone into them and as they tried to adjust to the sudden intensity, Y/N started to realise the sound of voices around them. She wasn't able to make out much of what they were saying, much like her vision everything seemed hazy and distant. 

She tried to move but found her body was unresponsive to her demands of it, instead it remained still, but it wasn't a comforting stillness, no as Y/N became more conscious she felt all the pain and trauma that even the strongest medication couldn't completely dull. 

"Her pupils are responsive, that is a really good sign" A female voice said from closeby, "Y/N it's okay don't try to move, your body has been through alot. Can you blink once for me if you can understand what I'm saying?" 

Y/N had to use all the strength and concentration she could muster to let her eyelids drop and then open again. It seemed like that was enough to please the unknown woman talking to her who again said it was a good sign. 

The soft touch of someone else's skin against her own had Y/N trying to move her head to see the person who it belonged to. Her eyes were still clearing up but she was able to make out the red hair and the outline of a smile that was directed at her. 


The realisation dawned on Y/N that if Wanda was here, then that meant somehow she had made it off that facility, but that shouldn't have been possible. She had been trapped under tonnes of metal and then the explosion. The memories came pouring back and panic began to ripple through Y/N as she re-lived those last few moments. 

"Y/N you're alright, I need you to calm down for me. You're safe now" the unknown female voice spoke again trying to reassure Y/N as the panic grew. 

Suddenly beeping noises started going off and they triggered more of Y/N's last memories on the facility as the alarms had rung out, blaring alarms that had been a warning of the imminent destruction of the facility. 

"Wanda I'm sorry we're going to have to sedate her, she's having a panic attack. It's too much for her body to handle both physically and mentally right now. She could undo all the surgical work" Christine looked over at Wanda, the brief smile of hope had vanished from Wanda's face as she watched Y/N's body tremble. 

"Okay, do it" Wanda nodded keeping hold of Y/N's hand in her own. 

Christine administered the sedative and stepped back watching as Y/N's violet eyes slowly sunk shut again and the beeping alerts of the monitors went off as Y/N's vitals went back to being stable. 

"We'll try again in a few more hours, Y/N's mind just needs a little more rest before it can take on what has happened. She's suffered through a lot, more than most do in a lifetime in such a short timespan" Christine said to Wanda as she filled in Y/N's chart. 

As she walked out of the room, Christine was confronted by the rest of the Avengers who had all been waiting outside, all of them eager for good news. Christine shook her head and immediately all their faces dropped. 

"I'm sorry, she's just not ready to be awake yet" Christine told them, "Give her a little more time, her body and mind are bruised and broken right now." 

Nat and Yelena both stepped past Christine and went into the room to see Y/N and Wanda, whilst the others went back to the waiting room at the end of the corridor. 

"Do you need us to get anything from the compound for you?" Nat asked as she came to stand beside Wanda. 

"No I'm okay, everything I need is right here" Wanda said sadly as she looked at Y/N. 

"We're going to make sure Ross doesn't get away for what he's done to Y/N, Wanda. This can't keep happening, not when Y/N is innocent" Yelena said as she stood on the other side of the bed. 

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